Roses are black
Give me black roses
Aren’t they sexy?
You filled me with joy
Whenever I see you, my heart palpitates
Your touch is as soft as cotton
I don’t want to see you diminish
You are stronger than the others
Most times I get saturated when I see you
You are lonely, because no one sees your potential
I see your thorns
I hear your struggles
I smell your sweat
I feel your energy of not being accepted
You are hungry for success, even though you’re not in a competition
Most people choose yellow roses and white roses
I don’t want those, the more dilute you are, the more I lose interest
– Zori Atkinson
That October earthquake
Everyone up and down doing their own thing
From Westmoreland to Constant Spring
Some persons wake up without thanking God
It's all about social media and the ipod.
In all of this God Knows how to get our attention!
All over our phones and ipod it is now mention
The shaking and rumbling everyone fear
People outside shouting "you hear!"
I never felt a quake so heavy like this before
Feeling shocked I remembered to always dash under a door
Or forget pretty talk and fly unda di bed and save mi head
Thank God for protection!
It is loud and clear we need to seek your face with confession!
– Paulette Roache