Wed | May 15, 2024

You are running out of space

Published:Sunday | March 10, 2024 | 12:07 AM

These days, we find ourselves encountering the notification message on our phone or email inbox, signalling that we are running out of space. When we ignore that, our device starts slowing down or refuses to download/store any more media. Interestingly, our minds are facing a similar conundrum.

We inundate ourselves with so much unnecessary information that our mental faculties have started to freeze. Have you experienced that momentary mental block? For example, you’re trying to recall something important and it is on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t utter it. It’s like the information is just out of reach, or unwanted thoughts keep intruding.


Just as we select items from a restaurant menu rather than ordering everything, we must be discerning about the content we allow into our minds. Not everything available is useful/beneficial for us. Our mental capacity is finite, and, if we fill it with unnecessary clutter, there won’t be room for what matters.

When our storage space fills up on our devices, we take action by deleting unwanted files. Similarly, we should adopt the practice of clearing out toxic and unwanted memories and information from our minds. Holding onto negative experiences only weighs us down and limits our ability to experience joy and fulfilment in the present. Train your mind to let go of what doesn’t serve your well-being. Make a conscious decision to prioritise positivity and productivity in your mental space.

Too often, we fall into the trap of believing that external factors dictate what gets written on the slate of our minds. However, we have the power to choose what stays and what goes. It’s time to break free from the destructive cycle of dwelling on negative thoughts and experiences. Take control of your mental storage and processing capabilities.


Each night before sleeping, take a moment to clear your mental cache. Release any lingering negativity or stress from the day. Start each morning with a clean slate, ready to fill it with experiences that uplift your being.

Ultimately, it’s up to us to take responsibility for our mental well-being. We can’t blame external factors for the clutter in our minds or the negativity in our lives. It’s time to wake up and clean the trash. Choose to store only experiences that nurture our growth and bring us closer to the life we want to live. By being mindful of the information we consume, clearing out mental clutter, and taking responsibility for our mental well-being, we can create a more fulfilling and balanced life. Let’s commit to managing our cognitive space with care.

Courtesy: Rajyoga Meditation Center, Kingston (meditation courses and counselling are offered free of charge). Get in touch via email: or WhatsApp: 876-853-7848. Follow them on Instagram: rajyoga_meditation_jamaica.