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Glenford Smith | Bringing out the millionaire in you — did Les Brown deliver?

Published:Thursday | November 19, 2015 | 5:48 PMGlenford Smith

In case you missed it, renowned motivational speaker Les Brown recently visited Jamaica.

The occasion was the conference billed 'Bringing Out the Millionaire in You' held November 13 at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston.

The event was hosted by Internet Income Jamaica, headed by CEO Alicia Lyttle, which provides training courses, locally, on how to make money by leveraging the Internet.

If the $10,000 entry fee was too steep for you, or your schedule didn't allow you to attend, here in this column is a brief overview of what you missed. I'll share a few helpful takeaways. You'll also get my take on whether Les Brown delivered on the promise of the seminar.

Like most of the more than 400 people in attendance, I was more than a bit familiar with Les Brown's ideas, stories and success-motivation strategies. After all, I had read his book and had been listening to his speeches and audio programme for two decades. This was my first opportunity to watch him in person, however. As it turned out, we would all have to wait for that.

Dennise Williams, television host of the programme Financially Focused, kicked off the event at 9:30 a.m. Her presentation focused on the importance of financial education. This theme carried through in presentations by other local speakers, Paul B. Bryan, Duane Lue-Fung and Nadine Sinclair.



They each gave helpful tips on attaining financial success. These included saving, monetary discipline, becoming debt-free, investing, financial asset protection, developing a wealthy mindset, associating with wealth-oriented people, and mastering extreme time management.

The above-mentioned speakers were not merely preliminary, they delivered solid, useful content, if with varying effectiveness in delivery. However, the anticipation level was high for Les Brown to take the stage.

Finally, he did.

At age 70, it was an amazing feat in itself to witness the cancer survivor of more than 15 years sharing his message of possibility and empowerment with passion, humour and charisma.



Few speakers can mesmerise an audience like Les Brown. In that regard, he fully lived up to expectations. He shared familiar success principles, including self-confidence, mentorship, positive mindset, perseverance, positive relationships, and goal setting.

But, in fairness to the audience, they could have listened to Les on YouTube to hear him speak on most of these themes. Les had promised to deliver practicable strategies for achieving millionaire status. That was the promise of the event.

Would he deliver or disappoint? I was keen on finding out.

We didn't have to wait long. Shortly into his presentation, he delivered. He shared the nuts and bolts of his detailed three-year plan for earning his first million dollars. It involved the creation and strategic marketing of four training products.

It's a workable and duplicable formula. Any attendee who follows Brown's formula should find it possible to bring out the millionaire in himself or herself. The Internet actually makes it easier.

Three noteworthy takeaways included: Les Brown's I'm an example, not an exception; to do something you've never done, you have to become someone you've never been; and someone's opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality.


Glenford Smith is a motivational speaker and success strategist. He is the author of 'From Problems to Power' and co-author of 'Profile of Excellence'.