SSP Diaries | The abyss of lawlessness
IT BECOMES more and more difficult each day to make sense of the violence that has taken over the world or when we will see a return to peace. Many concerns are expressed, but there is little or no indication of an end to senseless extremism perpetuated by those who believe that their actions are the only justified ones. Recent conversations among concerned people highlighted the events mentioned in this article, and there is concern as to where these are leading us.
The Haitian crisis continues in our own backyard. Innocent people continue to suffer despite the current intervention by multinational law-enforcement forces now operating in the country. The humanitarian situation continues to worsen due to gang violence, the inability to provide adequate medical services, and the lack of adequate food supplies...people are literally starving, and this includes children and the aged. Some 700,000-plus persons have been displaced at the last count, and the Dominican Republic border with Haiti remains closed. The UN’s Multinational Security Support personnel are in place and deployed, but there are inadequate numbers to create the initial impact that is really needed.
Our other neighbour recently concluded their general elections, and the people of this so-called world leader have elected a racist, white supremacist, convicted felon, corrupt, dishonest, vengeful, Machiavellian character, who lacks any degree of moral or ethical fibres in his being; a person who upholds violence as a means to an end, among other things, to become their next president. This is the sort of example that the ‘greatest nation on earth’ has now set for others to follow. The sad reality is that there are nations just waiting to emulate what they have witnessed in recent weeks. The true colours of this nation have finally come to the fore; most Americans seem incapable of thinking for themselves, to the extent that they allow politicians to dictate their right to reproduction.
The Israeli-Gaza situation has now escalated to a broader conflict. It’s Israel versus Palestine, Lebanon and Iran. The wanton destruction, to include genocide and other atrocities, continues unabated, despite the efforts of the UN. The situation here is no longer strange to the world looking on as the actions of the Israelis continue to have the full support of the US government. The latter, disgracefully, panders to the whims and fancies of the Israeli government and by all accounts is complicit, together with European nations such as Germany, UK and France, in perpetuating the acts of genocide that have plagued the campaign so far.
Afghanistan continues to persecute females and the general population with their implementation of Sharia law. Females are not allowed to be educated and continue to be banned from schools. It imposes dress codes for all people, segregates male and female in public spaces, and even forbids women to speak or sing outside their homes. It further prohibits non-Islamic ceremonies and associations with persons of other faiths. These restrictions are recipes for major civil unrest and, having regard to the history of this country, it is a time bomb waiting to explode.
Russia and the Ukraine are in a conflict which started in 2014; today there is still no end in sight. The conflict continues to raise concerns about the real design that the US, Canada and the EU have for Ukraine. With all the armaments that these countries have provided for Ukraine to repel and/or beat Russia, things can best be described as a stalemate now. Nothing in life is free. At the end of the day, this debt must be repaid. Their human capital has been severely reduced due to the war. The country must be rebuilt. At that time, who owns Ukraine? The UN efforts here have not served any meaningful purpose, they have had no real effect.
The UN’s role as a world body meant to foster peace and the observance of human rights across all nations, is found to be extremely wanting, mostly non-effective, to the extent that their body in the Gaza providing invaluable support to the refugees there, has been unceremoniously kicked out of the country. Such an act by the Israelis shows their disregard for the international body and the work it’s meant to do in global conflicts. The absence of any meaningful global outcry or actions against Israel displays ineptness on the part of that community, coupled with a fear of retaliation should any country be contrary to the desired state of the Americans in this conflict. When the ‘US sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold’.
The fear today is that the US alliance has become ‘uncontrollable’. It is out of sync with what it takes to sustain peaceful co-existence and seems bent on taking over any and everything. Its greed will stop at nothing, even when the current path has the world descending into the abyss of lawlessness, a situation which will easily bring humanity’s existence into question. It must be saved from itself, so perhaps it’s time that Europe and the rest of the sane world awaken from its deep slumber and stop being condescending.