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Rejected... Miss Jamaica World says no to Shaneke Williams

Published:Wednesday | August 16, 2017 | 6:09 PMKimberley Small
Shaneke Williams

Spartan Health Club, franchise holder for Miss Jamaica World, have denied all claims of being aware of Shaneke William's hazy past.

Once accused of aiding and abetting rape and sexual touching of a minor, Williams entered the competition, claiming to various media outlets, that franchise holders and managers were aware of the since rescinded accusation.

The Miss Jamaica World 2017 franchise holders, today released a statement, declaring that 'no communication between Miss Williams and any Miss Jamaica World 2017 team member was made known... and if any team member had approached and encouraged her to enter knowing of this incident in her recent past, I (Mickey Haughton-James) would find it very disturbing."

The release, which spanned two Instagram posts, outlined the pageant's Criteria for Entry which states: Section (d) of Article 1 (The Entrant) 'Shall be a person whose background is not likely to bring into disrepute the Miss Jamaica World Beauty Pageant or MJW title or the Promoter or any other person associated with them'. Section (g) 'The Promoter has the right, without giving any reason whatsoever, to bar any applicant from entering the Miss Jamaica World Contest whom he feels may bring the Contest into disrepute.'

Franchise holders further distanced themselves from the fracas, revealing that the pageant has no 'investigative arm'.

Haughton-James, owner of the Spartan Health Club, who signed the social media statement, continued: "I had a very long meeting with Shaneke [on] Tuesday, August 15. I found her to be a bright young lady, albeit maybe with some 'issues' which should not be surprising considering her recent past. I made the point that while she may see the Miss Jamaica World Pageant as a platform to make a statement and redeem her reputation that would be selfish if it was going to be at the expense of her fellow contestants, sponsors, past winners and contestants and the Pageant itself. I told her that she should have come in to see me and identify herself and her situation before entering. She did not mention then that she had been in dialogue with anyone on the team. I handed her a letter explaining our reasons for refusing her entry and she seemed in full agreement and requested the opportunity to withdraw voluntarily. I agreed and gave her a timeline in which to submit the letter. The timeline has not been met but the letter will still be accepted if and when it comes."

Williams will be allowed to retain the gym membership awarded when initially selected as a finalist in the Miss Jamaica World pageant.

Franchise holders also maintain that despite the allegation, they do not see Williams as a criminal, but just someone who does not meet the criteria for entry into the Miss Jamaica World Pageant at this time.