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General Omar Torrijos visits Jamaica for crucial talks

Published:Friday | April 22, 2022 | 6:35 AMA Digital Integration & Marketing production
General Omar Torrijos, chief of Government in the Central American Republic of Panama (in military attire), being welcomed by Prime Minister Michael Manley as he arrived at the Norman Manley Airport on April 20, 1976, on his first visit to Jamaica. At right is the Minister of External Affairs Senator Dudley Thompson, and at left, the chief of Protocol, Louis Boothe. Interpreter, Miss Parthe Edwards, is at centre.

Panama's president was welcomed by sevaral dignitaries at the Norman Manley International Airport . His first visit to the island was packed with meetings with the prime minister and other officials.

Published February 21, 1976



General Omar Torrijos, chief of government in the Central American Republic of Panama, received a warm welcome yesterday from Prime Minister Michael Manley as he alighted from the small white jet plane that brought him and his party to the Norman Manley International Airport.

It was his first visit, and the occasion was a semi-official one for the purpose of holding discussions with the prime minister of Jamaica. On hand to greet the general, along with Mr Manley, were the Minister of External Affairs, Senator the Hon. Dudley Thompson; the Panamanian Charge d’ Affaires Mr Cristobal Sarmiento; the Chief of Protocol, Mr Louis Boothe; the Jamaican Ambassador to Panama, Mr Trevor DaCosta; the chief of staff of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) Brigadier, Rudolph Green; and the Commissioner of Police, Mr Basil Robinson.

Immediately after his arrival, the general met members of the welcome party who were introduced to him by the prime minister. He was escorted to the saluting base, where the defence force played the National Anthem of Panama.

General Torrijos, escorted by Brigadier Green and Lt Leslie Lloyd, commanding officers of the 1st Battalion of the JDF.

The guard was commanded by Major Delroy Ormsby. Ensign to the colours was Lt John Nelson, and the subaltern Guard was Lt John Prescod.

Two-tier talks

The general, attired in deep-green full military dress, topped with a deep-green ranchero-type sombreo (hat), was a contrasting figure to the scarlet and white-clad soldiers of the 1st Battalion.

Accompanying the general to Jamaica were the Panamanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Aquilino Boyd; the Minister of Plannification and Political Economics, Mr Ardito Barleta; and his personal aide, Jamor Ricado Garibaldo.

Following the inspection of the guard, General Torrijos and his party departed by helicopter, accompanied by the prime minister, for the talks at Jamaica House.

Simultaneous with the discussions between the general and the prime minister, Senator Thompson met with Mr Boyd and other Panamanian officials.

The talks continued after lunch, and in the afternoon, General Torrijos called on the Governor General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Florizel Glasspole, at King’s House.

In the evening, he was the dinner guest of the prime minister and Mrs Manley at Jamaica House.

Today, the general is due to tour the trans-shipment port at 8:15 a.m., to visit the Alcan Jamaica works at Ewarton,  and to tour a sugar co-operative at Bernard Lodge in St Catherine.

Shortly before noon, he will give a press conference at Jamaica House at the end of which a joint communique will be issued.

General Torrijos and members of his party will be the luncheon guests today of Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon David Coore and Mrs Coore at Vale Royal.

He and his party will depart for Panama later.

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