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DIY Jo: Kitchen prescription

Published:Wednesday | March 15, 2017 | 12:00 AMJody-Anne Lawrence

The fun thing about DIYs and skincare is that many of the ingredients are found in your kitchen and backyard. Now, I am going to enter your kitchen to tell you about some of the things that are great for your skin.

Avocado is on the hit list. Whipping it and using it as a facial mask is perfect for those who want to keep young and fresh - all of us. It does has its own anti-ageing properties. So while you like to eat it, using it directly on your skin works wonders as well.




Honey, yes. This healthy sugar alternative is a tasty addition. For me, all it takes is a tablespoon to ease me to sleep. However, as I have proven in a previous article, it also works well as a facial mask when mixed with cinnamon and nutmeg and a bit of lemon oil.

Turmeric, also another superstar, with all its health benefits and flavour that it adds to any curried dish. Yet when it comes to acne and spots it is great. Be sure to scrub well when you wash it off your face because it will leave residue.

Facial warts is something that might be hereditary. I had one or two popping up on my face and my grand aunt passed down a little trick to my mother that was passed down to me. Get a pinch of salt and rub in a circular motion over the wart every night for about 20 seconds until it falls off.




Now, you may can go into your backyard or that of a friend's and get this last treat - aloe vera. Of course, it is bitter even though it might be good for you, but if you need a facelift, an easy fix for both eczema and acne, this is the perfect for a mask. Cut it and allow the yellow stain to drain off, and then split it and apply it to your face at night. Let it dry and go to bed. It is so gentle that you can sleep with it on your face. Wash it off in the morning and start your day with a glow. You can even feel the tightening of your skin.

An egg mask is also great for shrinking pores. Whip the egg white into a bowl and place it on your face. Allow it to set and then leave for five minutes. After which you can rinse with cold water and see the magic on your skin.

So if you have an issue with your skin, maybe you should just go to the cabinets in your kitchen instead of the one in your bathroom.