Tue | May 21, 2024

How Not To Go H.A.M for Christmas

Published:Thursday | December 21, 2017 | 12:00 AMLatara Boodie
Spicy cajun chicken breast served with banana pine salsa.
Christmas Sugar Cookies
Sorrel Chutney Seabest Glazed Salmon (BD Trawling)

Nothing says Christmas like the joining of family and friends around the dinner table with a plethora of delicious delicacies. This much anticipated once a year event often features endless options of meats such as stuffed or baked chicken, glazed ham, roast beef and curried mutton, all served with sides including rice and peas, pasta, mash potato and fried plantain, just to name a few. Many often indulge in a second, third and even fourth plate which results in the dreaded discomfort and suddenly extra tight clothing. However, Christmas dinner does not have to render one helpless and nearing a minor comatose. With a few minor changes, here are five tips on how to control yourself on Christmas Day.

1. Downsize your meal portion. The aim of the game is not to see who can have the highest food pyramid. Control is crucial. Yes, you  might want to sample a bit of everything but moderation is key. Often times, when you pack everything on the plate, you can only manage to make it half-way through. And furthermore, it is not attractive. Also, ensure your meal is protein rich and loaded with fresh vegetables.

2. Stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water is always important but even more so on Christmas Day as along with the celebrations, there is often  an increase in alcohol consumption so there is need for water to regulate the system. Water will also fill you up causing you to eat less and stay full for even longer periods.

3. Wait it out. If the problem is temptation, then  remove yourself from the area with food and indulge in other activities with the family. This will help you to take your mind off eating.

4. Get moving. Avoid slouching around before and after the meal. Go for a walk or play games that will have you up and moving around.

5. Remember your body goal. Keep in mind that whatever you eat now will reflect in how you look later on. It might be Christmas now, but summer is just around the corner.

