FortyFour Miles of Creativity
Courtney Morris' Fortyfour Miles Jewellery takes its name from the Black River, which is 44 miles long and runs through the hometown of the creative.
It is a fitting name. Born and raised in Black River, St Elizabeth, Morris says nature is her biggest influence.
"I get inspired by my natural environment - plants, stones, sea glass, wood etc. I also get inspired by [the] random shapes of things. I tend to also come up with ideas for pieces based on the materials I use. So the inspiration for a piece might come from seeing a certain bead or stone that I decide to use that day. Other times I might just start bending wire and see where it takes me," Morris told Flair.
She never set out to make jewellery but surrounded by such lush greenery and beauty, Morris says she could not help but dabble in the arts. Writing was her first task, then came painting and doodles. Jewellery making would come next. Morris made her first piece of jewellery - a pair of earrings - out of a shirt belonging to her late grandmother. It turned out to be a great way to preserve her memory and a shirt she had grown fond of.
The business started there.
Today, she makes much more than earrings. Fortyfour Miles Jewellery also carries necklaces, rings, bracelets and arm cuffs.
When it comes to picking a favourite, that is tricky for Morris. She has difficulty selecting just one piece.
"There are lots of pieces I've sold, or that are on sale now that were at risk of never being released into the world because I wanted them for myself. I have too many favourites," Morris admitted.
If she could give any advice to fellow creatives, irrespective of their niche, it would be, "just to keep doing your thing unless it doesn't make you feel good anymore, or as long as it feels worthwhile, and don't let other people's negativity stop you from doing what you feel you should be doing with your life. Be kind to yourself as well."
Courtney Morris
FourtyFour Miles Jewellery
IG: @44milesjewellery
FB: 44 Miles Jewellery