Fri | Sep 27, 2024

Fit 4 Life | Don’t skip warm-ups

Published:Wednesday | September 20, 2017 | 7:06 PMMarvin Gordon
The Gleaner's Fit 4 Life fitness coach Marvin Gordon demonstrates some warmups.

Before you start any workout session, it is important to get your body ready for it. That’s where warm-up comes in. Never skip this part.


- primes the nervous system for heavy work

- increases mental alertness and awareness

- rehearses proper technique of the exercise you intend to do

- Subtly stretches and loosens muscles, joints and connective tissues, making them less susceptible to injury.


Start your warm-up session with five to 10 minutes of full body movements, such as skipping, light jogging, jumping jacks, etc, to get your blood flowing and raise your body temperature. Follow this up with two to five light sets of exercises that target the muscles you are planning to work.

- Marvin Gordon is a fitness coach; email:;