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Police Federation signs wage deal with Government

Published:Tuesday | November 10, 2015 | 12:00 AM


After a period of protracted negotiations between the Govern-ment and the Jamaica Police Federation, an agreement was inked yesterday.

This, according to Finance Minister Dr Peter Phillips, brings the wage-negotiation process with public-sector unions and workers to 95 per cent completion.

Congratulating the Police Federation on the signing, Phillips said he was pleased that an agreement had been reached.

"What is significant about it all - from beginning to end - is that negotiations have been approached on the basis that each side is going to do what is best in the interest of Jamaica while protecting the interest of their particular workers," he said.

For his part, Horace Dalley, who led the negotiations for the Government, pointed out that the negotiations highlight the commitment of Police Federation Chairman Sergeant Raymond Wilson.

"Even though the negotiations are tough, we have always been able to meet and discuss those tough issues. It has been a very tough period for me, personally, because I led the negotiations and I have always had with the Federation a friendship after we leave the room," he said.




According to Dalley, "Sergeant Wilson goes for everything for his members, and I respect that. He defends his members as chairman and fights for them ... . I understand that when you represent people, you have to fight for them, and I want to say to the JCF (Jamaica Constabulary Force) and the Federation that this chairman represents. You have a good team that fights for you."

While conceding that they did not get all that they asked for in their wage claims to the ministry, Wilson said he was pleased with the agreement that was reached and that he would be ensuring that the payments signed off on are delivered in a timely manner and in the amounts agreed.