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Growth Forum: What is your vision for Falmouth going forward?

Published:Tuesday | July 19, 2016 | 12:00 AM
Dennis Seivwright, businessman
Paula Barrett SDC parish manager, Trelawny
Paul Muschette, custos of Trelawny
Dennis Meadows, JLP caretaker for North Trelawny
Delroy Christie, acting president of Falmouth Chamber of Commerce
Garth Wilkinson, mayor of Falmouth
Superintendent Clive Blair
Victor Wright, Member of Parliament for Trelawny Northern

What is your vision for Falmouth going forward?

Dennis Seivwright

Businessman/former chamber president


To have a united front from all stakeholders and strong leadership to get the town moving in one agreed direction.


Paula Barrett

SDC parish manager


A community where the citizens are actively involved in the process of decision-making.


Paul Muschette

Custos Rotulorum - Trelawny


It will become a town where, from persons across Jamaica to the visitors on the cruise ships to the visitors on the hotels, will be able to come to enjoy a friendly and clean town that has something to offer everyone.

Dennis Meadows

JLP Caretaker North Trelawny


I want an environment that is conducive to the social and economic development of its people, regardless of economic and social strata.

Delroy Christie

Acting president of the Trelawny Chamber of Commerce


Simply put, more implementation, less talking.


Superintendent Clive Blair

Commanding officer, Trelawny Police


We would like to see a united set of persons in terms of the stakeholders coming together

to address the problem as effectively as possible.

Garth Wilkinson

Mayor of Falmouth


For us to have a town where we see ourselves as the trustees of this treasure, where we partner with our expertise and our experience and combine our capital and commitment and listen, dialogue and decide together.

Victor Wright

Member of Parliament North Trelawny


To see more synergies between the developments that are planned and the citizenry of Falmouth.