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14-year-old schoolboy murdered in Trelawny - 11-year-old alleged attacker on the run

Published:Monday | April 3, 2017 | 12:00 AMAdrian Frater

Western Bureau:

A 14-year-old schoolboy was brutally murdered in the Lowe River community in southern Trelawny late yesterday afternoon when his head was partially severed from his body in a vicious machete attack allegedly by his 11-year-old schoolmate.

According to reports from residents, Oraine Johnson and the 11-year-old had a verbal altercation shortly after 4 p.m. and younger child went away and returned with a machete, which he used to inflict several chop wounds on Johnson. One of the chops all but severed his head.

"Me standing up over the body right now as I am speaking to you," a resident told The Gleaner at approximately 6 p.m.. "It is a wicked act. This is another sad day for Lowe River."

When The Gleaner contacted the nearby Wait-A-Bit Police Station, Constable Anthony Gooden, the officer on duty, confirmed the killing but said he was not authorised to provide any additional details.

When the Corporate Communications Unit was contacted, it, too, confirmed the incident, but referred The Gleaner to Senior Superintendent Clive Blair, the commanding officer for the Trelawny police, for further details. However, his telephone numbers rang without answer.

Based on reports from residents, the alleged attacker fled the scene after the incident.

Lowe River is best remembered in crime circles for an incident more than a decade ago when machete-wielding residents attacked and killed an alleged yam thief and then celebrated his demise by drinking rum and dancing in the town square.
