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Malcolm case has 2022 date, says DPP - One cop still on the run for double murder

Published:Wednesday | June 24, 2020 | 12:21 AMRomario Scott/Gleaner Writer
DPP Paula Llewellyn.
DPP Paula Llewellyn.

AN OCTOBER 10, 2022 date has been set for the trial of a police officer who has been charged for the shooting deaths of a father and son in Spanish Town, St Catherine.

The revelation came on Tuesday from Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Paula Llewellyn after human-rights lobby Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) chastised her office a day earlier over the handling of the case and several others involving the police.

JFJ lamented what it said was a 13-year wait for justice in the matter.

But in responding, the DPP outlined that on July 19, 2019, a special coroner prepared a warrant for the apprehension of police officers Malica Reid and Omar Simmonds for the shooting deaths of Winston Malcolm and his son of the same name on December 21, 2007.

Llewellyn said that on July 30, 2019, the Bureau of Special Investigations executed the warrant and that Reid was brought into custody and placed before the Home Circuit Court.

“Omar Simmonds was not located and is still at large,” the DPP said.

Llewellyn said that on the same date, she preferred a voluntary bill of indictment charging Reid with two counts of murder.

“Since then, Reid’s case has been before the Home Circuit Court for plea and case management hearing as mandated by the court as to ensure the file is completed and the ODPP has satisfied its disclosure obligations to the defence,” she said.


Human-rights advocate and attorney Harold Malcolm, whose brother and nephew are the victims, said that the case was being dragged along in the DPP’s office and was causing more pain for the family.

“We have a system, which the delay itself inflicted pain and hurt and frustration on us,” Malcolm, who cited witness absenteeism and judicial lethargy, said on Monday during a press briefing hosted by JFJ.

“The politicians and those who are in authority continue to fiddle while we burn.”

Malcolm argued that even with the additional resources in the Office of the DPP, there has been no significant impact on the results.

“I don’t see the difference, in terms of how things move through the system,” he said.