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Third J’can consents to extradition in int’l money laundering case

Published:Saturday | July 23, 2022 | 12:09 AMTanesha Mundle/Staff Reporter

One of the three Jamaicans implicated in an alleged “sophisticated” international scheme that laundered more than US$6 million in drug-trafficking yesterday abandoned his plans to contest his extradition to the United States.

Seivwright Affleck, of a Portmore, St Catherine address, had indicated in May that he would be challenging the extradition request, but yesterday, when he reappeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court, his legal representative, Samoi Campbell, indicated that he has consented to be extradited.

Senior Parish Judge Lori-Anne Montague subsequently signed the committal order for the extradition after Affleck signed the consent form.

Affleck and two other Jamaicans are alleged to have acted as money couriers and are among 19 persons who have been implicated in the scheme, which had been under investigation since 2016 by law enforcement personnel across multiple borders, including Jamaica, the United States and Colombia, among others.

The other Jamaicans – St Devon Anthony Cover, of Manchester, and Dennis Rowe, of Kingston – waived their rights to an extradition hearing when they appeared in court in May.

The Jamaicans were indicted in the US on charges of laundering of monetary instruments and aiding and abetting.

Cover is alleged to have delivered US$268,000 to undercover police or a confidential informer. Rowe is said to have handed over US$606,000, while Affleck reportedly delivered US$650,000.

Each of the defendants reportedly played different roles – money couriers, money brokers, drug-trafficking organisation (DTO) suppliers, and business owners.

According to the indictment, throughout the five-year probe dubbed Operation Thin Ice, approximately US$6 million in Colombian drugs proceeded through banks in the Caribbean, the US, and Europe.

Approximately US$1 million was seized from corporate bank accounts and other investigative activity.

Investigators also traced or seized nearly 3,000 kilograms of cocaine – with a street value of more than US$90 million – to the money-laundering organisation. This includes approximately 1,193 kilograms of cocaine seized at sea, 60 miles south of Jamaica, in July 2019, as well as 1,555 kilograms of cocaine snared in nine scrap-metal shipping containers at the Port of Buenaventura, Colombia, in March 2019.

Black Market Peso Exchange

The money-laundering network, which operated primarily in Barranquilla, Colombia, allegedly launders drug proceeds through intermediary banks in the US, Europe, and the Caribbean through the use of the Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE) method.

The BMPE is described in the indictment as a method by which narcotic traffickers used a third party to sell their proceeds in the US for pesos in Colombia.

“In a common BMPE conspiracy, a BMPE broker will identify a South American business person, who imports goods from places such as the US, China or Panama, and will offer the South American business person an opportunity to pay the debt owed to the exporter in the foreign country at a significant discount compared to making the payment through a South American bank,” an investigator explained in the indictment.

A business person who agrees to participate will, in turn, hand over payments for the imported goods in the form of pesos to the BMPE broker, who would then contact a DTO and organise for the exchange of the pesos for narcotics proceeds in the US.

According to the indictment, after the pickup, the brokers would then arrange to forward the proceeds to the exporter in the US, which is often accomplished by remitting the proceeds through a third party.

Law enforcers from Jamaica, the US, Colombia, Canada, Spain, and other countries successfully infiltrated the organisation and obtained hundreds of recorded communications involving the defendants via telephone calls, text messages, wiretap interception, and in-person meetings.

Money-laundering conspiracy and laundering of monetary instruments charges attract a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a fine of up to US$500,000, or twice the amount involved.