Fri | Jun 7, 2024

PNP’s hypocrisy on show

Published:Wednesday | November 22, 2017 | 12:00 AM


The People's National Party (PNP), headed by Dr. Phillips, is raising Cain about the National Identification System (NIDS) solely on the basis of raw political opportunism and not on any point of principle.

The PNP has constantly advanced two arguments why they are not supporting NIDS: that it is mandatory and it must go to a joint select committee of Parliament. Now it has emerged that both of those arguments are disingenuous, at best.

In Parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Andrew Holness dropped a bombshell that sent the PNP explanations into a tailspin. Holness said that in a meeting with members of the PNP, it was they who said that the bill must be MANDATORY! Now, in light of that revelation, the question must now be asked of Dr Phillips and his team: why are they now opposing something they asked for and got? Why is it wrong now, but was not wrong when they were working on the bill? Why the change of heart?

The second point is that it has now emerged such a committee was proposed in the 2000s, but never met as far as can be ascertained. The question that must be asked of the PNP is: why didn't that joint select committee ever meet? And if they met, what were their recommendations?

The problem with the PNP is that they lack credibility. Things they supported while in government, they have now abandoned because of politics. They have no workable idea to make Jamaica better, so they have even sacrificed things they believed in, because they are now hungry for power. It must be noted that, in many cases, they have abandoned the people's business with staged walkouts of Parliament.

It cannot be because they lack the necessary ideas to advance Jamaica, they are resorting to 'call in sick' tactics.

If they can't participate in a meaningful way to advance the cause of nation building, they should do the honourable thing and quit.

Fabian Lewis