Mon | Jul 1, 2024

Readers’ reactions

Published:Saturday | June 29, 2024 | 12:07 AM
Health Minister Christopher Tufton.
Health Minister Christopher Tufton.

Michael Abrahams | Calling out Dr Tufton

Call out central planning. Tufton is just the latest and won’t be the last. Somebody also forgot to remind them that all these “missing” equipment were not invented since Tufton’s arrival ... and in times past, all we had was the plan ... but not the means to implement it.

– Robert Campbell

“Health issues started long before Tufton”. True. Holness and the JLP rightly used it against the PNP Government. Remember, “ I can hear the dead baby crying”. “Dr Ferguson must be fired”, Now, health issues should be better under this JLP administration, but it got worse under Dr Tufton and the JLP. Facts are facts, you can continue to bury you partisan head in the JLP politics.

– Authnel Reid

Statistics show the truth. Look at the maternal mortality rate? Put politics aside and face the reality as the buck stops with him. Anju quite delighted with these results as heavily rumoured that Tuffy was vying fir leadership and has support.

– Mamma-Ess

Health is a unique category. Often, there is no time for procurement procedures ... Depending on the supplier of certain items.

– Cliry

Are some of the shortages of equipment etc. a result of the Government deciding to stop charging fees for hospital use back in 2008? Once income from fees stopped, how was the deficit made up?

– Jahmusic

I didn’t expect the AstraZeneca conspiracy theory from a doctor who wants to be seen as credible. My theory is that COVID-19 vaccine blaming is a red herring for other lucrative ‘businesses’ that are killing people. Some of them are: - oxy and fentanyl, radiation poisoning, killing for organ harvesting, new (and sometimes old) prescription drugs, etc. In addition, it is not unheard of for people to have adverse reactions to vaccines, and even OTC medications ... even a certain popular painkiller which is given to children. – Letruth

Readers’ reactions sourced from Gleaner online.