Wed | Oct 2, 2024

Reggae Boyz need emotional support

Published:Wednesday | July 3, 2024 | 12:08 AM


The performance, or the lack thereof, of the Reggae Boyz in the Copa America 2024 tournament is, in my view, a reflection of the psychological trauma affecting the players.

The players were clearly emotionally stressed, mentally drained, unsure of themselves and had no confidence in the execution of their duties.

There are people who would instantly rubbish my view, on the grounds that the players in the present squad are predominantly overseas-based professional footballers, who represent clubs in North America and Europe that frequently play in front of large crowds in big capacity stadiums.

However, I keenly watched the games live on television and watched the matches over and over again, and I have not seen where the Boyz were outplayed or outclassed in technical skills, or Jamaica’s national coach outcoached by their counterparts.

As such, I am convinced it was all psychological trauma.

Accordingly, I am suggesting that the Jamaica Football Federation engage world-renowned track and field coaches Stephen Francis and Glen Mills as consultants for the football development programmes.

Motivational sessions with the Reggae Boyz squad can only be a plus with these two gurus at the head table. They can also invite some of our world-class athletes to speak at some of these sessions.

Also, a point which should not go unnoticed is that the present Reggae Boyz squad is comprised of predominantly black Jamaica-born players who are playing in countries with a majority white population, where racial prejudice and victimisation are quite common. The ongoing racial attacks they face will certainly affect them negatively.

I would also urge the small group of local fans who refuse to embrace the Jamaican players who were born overseas to desist from this ugly partisan practice, as such behaviour emits negative energies and contributes to the poor performance of the players.

Let’s embrace ALL our players.