Sat | Sep 21, 2024

Where is Bull Bay Post Office?

Published:Saturday | September 21, 2024 | 12:06 AM


The Bull Bay Post Office was demolished along with the original police station, to make way for so-called progress, as stated by politicians. We currently have to travel from Bull Bay to Windward Road, because of no postal service in our community. The first move of the Bull Bay Post Office was from Bull Bay to Harbour View, then from Harbour View to Windward Road. The Windward Road Post Office is now handling mail from Bull Bay, Harbour View and the Windward Road area. How can there be a celebration of the government to be renovating 23 post offices when ours was demolished. This a slap in the face of the public who live outside Kingston who, across the island, have seen the closing of our postal agencies and post offices, causing financial hardship for the public, pensioners and senior citizens. This matter cannot be allowed to stand.

The presence of government amenities across Jamaica is the remit of the local government, who, over the years, has been separated from its function by central government, and has been subject to directions from persons who are not present in the local government arena. This matter must be resolved to allow elected councillors of all parish councils to not only collect taxes but also to legislate for the planning of their communities and spending of said finances. Central government has proven itself to be unable, incapable of, and incompetent in managing the spaces around the country, a situation which leaves us with potholes in most roads, deteriorated public spaces, not to mention utilities located in sidewalks blocking free access for pedestrians.

Like those who left Egypt to escape slavery, the Lord said they will not enter the “promised land” because of their sinful ways. So it is with the current set of politicians trying to move Jamaica into a republic. They have proven themselves to be like the wayward Jews spoken of in the Bible. They have demonstrated that they represent those who brought us here as slaves some 400 years ago. So, this latest slap in the face should be seen for what it is by those of us who toil in the fields of Jamaica while the ‘rulers’ ‘shell down’ and promote themselves as being the latest and greatest, while services like the post office to support the public and our functions remain eviscerated.

We need the Bull Bay Post Office and police station to be restored in Bull Bay, not the city of Kingston. I put it to the parish councils to stand up for their right to represent us, not some absentee members of parliament.


Bull Bay, St Andrew