Doctors Advice: Could she be pregnant?
Q: Hi, my girlfriend and I have sex three to four times in a month.
Since we have been doing this, her periods have become more irregular, which worries her a lot.
The last time we had sex, I withdrew before ejaculation. Now, she is a bit late on her menses again, and she is fretting that she may be pregnant.
I am very sure I ejaculated outside, but if even a drop or two came inside her, could that have a high possibility of getting her pregnant? I would be much obliged if I could get a helpful response to his issue.
A: Look, your girlfriend must have a pregnancy test done right away. Yes, she may be pregnant. However, it is also possible that she is suffering from some minor gynaecological problem which is making her menses irregular.
As I have said before in this column, the practice of 'coitus interruptus' (also known as 'withdrawal') is dangerous. It is quite common for a little of the guy's 'man fluid' to get into the vagina, and it is true that just a drop or two could cause pregnancy.
If the test reveals that your girlfriend is not pregnant, then what should the two of you do?
First, she should go and see a doctor (preferably a gynaecologist) who can help her to fix this problem of irregular menses.
Second, you both should agree on a safe method of contraception:
- the condom;
- the Pill;
- the Mini-Pill;
- the Jab (the Shot);
- the coil (the IUD);
- the implant.
The gynaecologist can give your partner good advice about contraception. One possible solution would be for her to go on the Pill. That would provide her with almost complete protection against pregnancy - plus absolutely regular menses.
Q: Doc, I am a guy of 17. I am wondering if having around a dozen orgasms a month is bad for my health? I have noticed that sometimes my organ is quite swollen in the mornings.
A: I do not know whether you are talking about sex with a girlfriend, or by yourself. But in any case, statistics collected by USA researchers indicate that, at your age, a total of eight to 12 orgasms per month is about average.
You have no need to worry about your health; however, a 'puffy' appearance of the penis in the morning does suggest that the organ has been subjected to too much friction. You see, excessive friction makes fluid pass out of the blood and into the tissues.
Therefore, if you notice puffiness, it would be wise to avoid sexual activity for a few days.
Q: Can you help me with a question about an enlarged cervix, Doc? I am female, and my gynaecologist says it is big. I had an ultrasound done, and the size of my cervix was 11.4. (Apparently, seven to nine would be large.)
He says I should get a hysterectomy because I also have a fibroid and a cyst. The doctor says that my cervix is so large that he cannot take it out vaginally, so an old-fashioned cut in the belly is what I'm facing.
But won't my cervix eventually decrease in size on its own? I currently have inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis), and I hope that the cervix will shrink when this has been treated.
Also, my husband and I have lately had very rough and frequent intercourse. Could that be the cause of the cervix problem?
A: No, I don't think that rough and frequent sex can give you an enlarged cervix or cause cervicitis.
The cervix, as you know, is the lowest part of the womb. It projects down into the vagina, and any woman can touch it by putting her finger inside. It feels like the tip of somebody's nose.
The average length of the cervix is four to five centimetres.
Anyway, if the gynaecologist says it is enlarged, then it is enlarged. He will not be mistaken about this. I am afraid, however, that it will not shrink on its own accord.
Is this enlarged cervix actually causing you any problem? That is really what you need to discuss with the gynaecologist before deciding whether to take the operation.
Q: I am male, age 21, Doctor. In the run-up to Christmas, an older woman somehow persuaded me to have 'bottom sex' with her. It was bareback.
Now, I find that my penis has become sore and itchy -particularly the foreskin. Have I caught some kind of venereal disease (VD)? If so, should I tell the older woman about it?
A: These are not the symptoms of any form of VD, but it does sound very much as though you may have a yeast infection of the foreskin. Whether you got it from the older lady's bottom is difficult to say.
Anyway, you should now buy some anti-fungal cream from a pharmacy and apply it to yourself three times for the day. If you are no better at the end of a week, please let a doctor have a look at you.
As regards to the older lady, I do think that you should inform her that you may have caught some form of 'itchy problem' from her. She can then decide whether her bottom needs medical treatment.
Q: Doc, I have seen where you wrote about the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in guys, but I am a young woman of 21, with a pretty active sex life. I would like to know what the symptoms are in females.
A: Good question. All young women ought to be aware of the features of STIs.
However, please note that, most unfortunately, these infections very often produce no symptoms in females. That is particularly so in the case of two STIs - chlamydia and gonorrhoea ('the clap') as a result, there are quite a few teenage and 20-something women who are going around with venereal infections brewing inside them but who do not know that they are carrying these diseases.
Therefore, the safest rule for a female is this. If you feel that you've 'taken a chance', then please go to a doctor or clinic and get yourself tested.
Nevertheless, it's wise for women to know the possible symptoms of an STI. The common ones are:
- pain when passing urine (though ordinary cystitis also produces this symptom);
- blisters in the vagina, or at the opening;
- unexplained vaginal discharge - particularly if it's yellow, green or blood-stained;
- a painless lump or raw place around the vaginal opening;
- enlarged glands in the groins;
- little warts around the labia (vaginal lips).
If in doubt, see a doctor.
Q: Doc, what is 'blue waffle disease'? I am 19, female, and my friends say that I will get this horrible disorder if I have too much sex.
A: Relax. The so-called 'blue waffle disease' is just an Internet hoax.
There are millions of crazy mentions of it on the net, and this has frightened thousands of young people. It is all a load of foolishness, so pay your friends no mind.
Nevertheless, take care to practice only safe sex.
- Email questions to Doc at and read more in the 'Outlook Magazine' tomorrow.