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Road work on Golding Avenue in Papine to be completed this week

Published:Monday | April 6, 2015 | 12:00 AM

Repairs and upgrading works to Golding Avenue in Papine are expected to be completed this week, which will give wheelchair users and pedestrians a safer roadway.

The 700 metre-long stretch is being repaired under the Government’s $10.4 million sidewalk rehabilitation project.

There was public outcry in January for the government to fix the roadway after a disabled man in a wheelchair was mowed down by a bus.

For years, members of the disabled community, many of who live and frequently traverse Golding Avenue in Papine, have complained that the roadway is not safe for them.

State Minister for the Transport Ministry,  Richard Azan, and personnel from the National Works Agency (NWA), toured the area last week to get a first hand view of the project’s progress.

Azan told the tour that the Government is especially mindful of the difficulties of the disabled community in manoeuvring the sidewalk.

He also disclosed that the transport ministry is sourcing funds to undertake additional work to make the road even safer for these users, by widening sections of the sidewalk, and installing rails.