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Ask the Doc | My son is depressed and needs medication

Published:Sunday | December 11, 2016 | 12:00 AM

Q:My son is very depressed and we ran out of medicine. Why can't a regular doctor write a prescription for him?

A: A regular doctor, also called a general practitioner, is not able to write certain types of prescriptions because only specialists can write a prescription for special situations. Please ensure that you watch the medicine and not allow the medicine to run out.

Q:My 14-year-old is adamant that he wants to be a pilot, but he has a learning disability. Can he become a pilot?

A:Once your child has the required attitude and aptitude, he can be what he desires to be. Sit with a career counsellor and guide him through the requirements.

Q: I saw our guidance counsellor coming out of a psychiatrist's office recently. Do you think that she should b a guidance counsellor if she is mentally ill?

A:First of all, do you know the reason why she visited the psychiatrist's office? Let us never judge. Many professionals present with mental health concerns and are great at their jobs. Mental illness should never stop anyone from being a positive and productive member of society.

- Orlean Brown-Earle, PhD, is a child psychologist and family therapist. Dr Brown-Earle works with children with learning and behavioural problems throughout the island and in the Caribbean. Email questions to or send to 'Ask the Doc', c/o The Gleaner Company, 7 North Street, Kingston. Responses to concerns are to be considered as general, as cases shared with psychologists privately would be queried more deeply. Pray always!