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Government to regulate disposal at landfills

Published:Friday | February 16, 2018 | 12:00 AMJerome Reynolds

The Government is moving to regulate the kinds of material which can be disposed of at landfills.

The administration is to enact the National Solid Waste Management (Disposal of Solid Waste) Regulations to give effect to the change.

In his Throne Speech, yesterday, Governor General Sir Patrick Allen indicated that the regulations will also set out the manner in which disposals are to be done: regulate the disposal of electronic waste and impose tipping fees on users of landfills.

He said other regulations are also coming.

They are the National Solid Waste Management (Public Cleansing) Regulations and the National Solid Waste Management (Disposal of Hazardous Waste) (Electronic and Electrical Waste) Regulations.

Meanwhile, the governor general said the government will purchase 12 garbage trucks next financial year.

It will also embark on the construction of three new fire stations; the construction of two new drop-in centres; and a programme to build 28 indigent homes across the island.

He said four homes for registered indigent persons will be built this year.