Dwight Fletcher | YOLO: Intellectual life - Part 1
Today, we begin the wrap-up for our YOLO (you only live once) series, and we'll look at intellectual life. At first glance this may not appear to be relevant to Christians as many persons are of the view that once we become Christians, we throw reason to the wind. The truth is, the Christian faith is based on reason and intelligence.
Rodney Stark in his book, 'The Victory of Reason' noted "Christianity has done more to promote reasonable thinking in our society than just about anything else, including some of the philosophical strains of thought...". So, don't buy into the false dichotomy that you use faith inside church and reason outside of church. We use both faith and reason inside and outside of church to honour God with our lives.
There are three truths regarding our intelligence that I want us to consider. Think about your brain and mind and how God has wired you; and let's look at some intelligence truths:
In the Bible, God describes Himself as a God of reason. Various scriptures also highlight that God reasons with His people. In Isaiah 1:18 (NKJV), God spoke to the prophet saying, "Come now, and let us reason together". We also know from scripture that God created us in His image. If God is a God of reason and He created us in His image, it therefore means He made us to be reasonable creatures. Then:
Our brains are what sets us apart as that extraordinary creation. Because we are created in the image of God, He created our minds to operate in a reasonable way. The Bible very clearly says that it is our ability to reason and think at such a high level that sets us apart from all other created beings in the world. In fact, God has wired our minds in such a way that we can use it to honour Him. That's truth number three:
Did you know that we can use our minds to worship God? In fact, we can use our minds to worship God anywhere and at any time. When we use our minds to do what God created it to do, that's an act of worship, regardless of where we are physically. For example, if you use your mind in the marketplace, to solve a problem or to help your co-workers to make a difference in the world, that is an act of worship.
The Bible also calls us to love God with all our minds. Luke 10:27 NLT puts it this way, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind".
There are many ways we can love God with all our minds. I have noted the top three ways we can love God with all our minds. Today, we will focus on the first way.
Whatever field we select, we should be very disciplined to learn as much as possible. Proverbs 23:12 MSG guides accordingly, "Give yourselves to discipline and instruction; open your ears to tested knowledge". If we were to do this, we would be surprised how it would benefit our careers and growth path.
Most experts agree, reading one hour per day in our chosen field will make us an international expert in seven years. Others put the time at 10 years but regardless, we can be in the top 10 per cent of our field with that type of discipline.
Every Christian should be the best in their field! Christians should never be second-rate intellectuals in any field of study. Now, our motive for learning as much as possible in our field, is not just to earn a living or to obtain wealth. The motive for Christian learning and achievement is found in Colossians 3:23 TLB, "Work hard and cheerfully at all you do, just as though you were working for the Lord and not merely for your masters".
Next week, we will look at the other two ways you can love God with all your mind. Until then, let me challenge you to commit one hour daily to learning something new in your field of study as an act of worship to God.