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PEP: Frequently asked questions

Published:Friday | June 29, 2018 | 12:00 AM
Officials of the Ministry of Education at a recent Gleaner Editors' Forum on PEP, (from left) ), Maryah Ho Young, Senior Education Officer; Terry-Ann Thomas Gayle, manager Student Assessment Unit; Dr. Grace McLean, Chief Education Officer; Dr. Clover Hamilton-Flowers, Assistant Chief Education Officer; and Lisa Rowe, media liaison officer.

What is PEP?

The Primary Exit Profile (PEP) will replace the existing Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT). PEP will provide a profile of where the student is academically, the student's strengths and weaknesses, and their readiness for grade seven. PEP will assess students' knowledge in addition to placing increased emphasis on assessing students' skills of communication, critical thinking and creativity.

What is the purpose of PEP?

PEP has several purposes:

- It will measure students' readiness for grade seven.

- It will function as a means of placing students in secondary schools.

- It will provide accurate information about students' knowledge, ability, and skills and across several subject areas.

When will the first component of PEP be administered?

PEP will be implemented on a phased basis, in an effort to ensure that all students are adequately prepared for the first administration. The examination will be implemented in the following ways:

- Those students who are currently in grade 5 will be the first PEP cohort. They will do only the grade 6 components in 2019.

- The students who are currently in grade 4 will do their grade 5 Performance Task in 2019, and in 2020 they will do the grade 6 components.

- The students who are currently in grade 3 will be the first cohort that will sit ALL THREE components, that is, they will do the components at grades 4 (in 2019), 5 (in 2020) and 6 (in 2021).

How will PEP be different from GSAT?

PEP will place emphasis on determining the extent to which students are able to use their knowledge of content, and skills they developed to solve problems. This is a key difference between PEP and GSAT. GSAT focused primarily on content and assessing student knowledge of the subject area, whereas PEP foundations are built on the notion that competency involves both student knowledge and what a student is able to do with the knowledge they possess.

How will my child be placed in a secondary school?

The placement mechanism will remain the same, with students having seven school choices. The assessment results will also be made available, as is customary, during the third week of June.

Will I be able to defer my child sitting the PEP to the next year?

As with the GSAT if a candidate has not exceeded a given age he or she may be allowed to sit any component of PEP in the year that follows.

How will the Performance Tasks be administered?

The Performance Tasks will be administered within the students' individual classrooms by their respective classroom teachers. The student will complete the Performance Tasks under the supervision of the teacher; therefore, they will not be allowed to complete these tasks at home.

The Performance Tasks will be done within fixed time frames within classroom contact time.