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Would you marry your partner again?

Published:Thursday | September 13, 2018 | 12:00 AMTamara Bailey/Gleaner Writer
Mr and Mrs Jeremiah Burrell, married for 46 years.


"Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto to your own husbands as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the Church and he is Saviour of the body. Therefore, as the Church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the Church and gave himself for it." Ephesians 5:21-25

Do you ever look at your husband or wife and think, 'I would definitely marry you again' or is it the complete opposite with the question: 'What the hell was I thinking?'

For those who affirmed the former, keep doing what you're doing and to those who affirmed the latter, don't give up just yet.

"Marriage isn't something to be frightened about but it is something to be entered into and worked with according to the will of God. Marriage can work, but you have to put work into it, you take on a new occupation. My wife and I couldn't have been together for 46 years if we didn't put work in it," said Pastor Jeremiah Burrell, as he delivered his sermon during the Family Life Ministries programme at the Campbell's Castle Seventh-day Adventist Church recently.

He, however, added that some people aren't really made for marriage and must assess themselves first before even having the very thought of entering into this lifetime commitment.

"Some men will choose to stay single and some women, too, will remain single; and singleness is a gift, but if it pleases you to get married, consult the Lord, pray about it. I started thinking of marriage from around age 12. I watched my own parents, they celebrated 60 years of marriage before my father passed, so I understand what longevity in marriage is all about and I always had it in mind to find a true partner, within the boundaries of the Church," said Burrell.


Never Dominate Women


He quickly reminded the men that their role is never to dominate women.

"This mutual submission that we are talking about is that deep love, care, and respect that is between a husband and a wife. Each one looking out for the general welfare of the other. A man is not greater than his wife, nor a wife greater than her husband - it is a partnership, fully joined together in the Lord. It doesn't border on dictatorship, it is a mutual relationship. Leadership means the man takes on the role of protector, provider, and taking the initiative to see that things go well in the family," said Burrell.

He added that, oftentimes, it's the ego of the parties involved that is blocking the marriage from true growth.

"There are simple things that can make marriage work, we just have to practise daily how we care and look out for each other. Sometimes people individualise things, 'this is mine, that is yours', but in marriage, it is equal ownership. Be willing to say, 'I am wrong or I was wrong', present an apology and seek forgiveness. Many husbands and wives have developed an unforgiving spirit. If things are so bad to the point where you can no longer love your partner as your husband or wife, then love them as a friend or as a neighbour or as an enemy. Have family worship. A family that prays together, stays together," Burrell encouraged.