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From agnostic to pastor - The Dwayne Fuller Story - Part III

Published:Thursday | October 18, 2018 | 12:00 AMPaul H. Williams/Gleaner Writer
Dwayne Fuller


Dwayne Fuller evolved from an agnostic young man to Apostle Dwayne Fuller, having his own church, The Vision Center Church of all Nations, which is a multi-campus, multi-site institution. He is the host pastor at the Half-Way Tree campus, located on the YMCA property at 21 Hope Road.

It "is a relational family church with plenty of love to spare ... We celebrate a rich Holy Spirit-filled environment," Reverend Fuller told Family and Religion. And the message that is conveyed in that environment is three-fold: Only believe and your story will change, by the authority of Jesus those who are held captive will be free, and those who are hungry and thirsty should discover a life in Jesus.

Outside of the regular services there are "miracle crusades", scheduled traditional evangelism by outreach street teams, "prayer evangelism", and "supernatural power Evangelism" (Using the supernatural gifts of the spirit to touch people's lives as we empower and train people to move in the power of God).

Apart from the doctrines that the church preaches to win souls, Reverend Fuller's ministry involves youth outreach, attending to the physically unwell, and "all forms of counselling", and there are also "prophetic encounters or miracle services" and "supernatural turnarounds" and the usual pastoral care services.

"We seek to embody and preach an authentic gospel that is followed with demonstrations of God's power ... To this end, we have seen the lives of many transformed by God's supernatural power," Reverend Fuller revealed.

He recalled the story of a man from Cherry Gardens who could not walk for three years. "Yet, through the miraculous grace upon this commission, God was able to raise him in an instant miracle to receive full function of his legs and return to normal duties immediately."

Also, he said he remember "those healed of spinal injuries, cured from deafness, and others having received restoration of their homes through divine intervention", etc.

"I think of even those who have been empowered to overcome poverty through grace and receive employment as notable ... Indeed, we have seen many lives turn around and many now being able to serve, live and minister in local churches and beyond our own national borders," he said.

Community outreach is also a major part of the church's mission as it provides leadership and service in the communities it serves and assists in community development.

"All this we have been able to do through a small team. We are involved in multiple fraternal and community organisations as a network and make vital contributions," Reverend Fuller revealed.

The Vision Center Church Of All Nations also prescribes and delivers "strategic training" for pastors, leaders, lay workers, staff and volunteers, based on their spiritual gifts, talents, skills, experience "or lack thereof". This is done either through its School of Supernatural Ministry or its "Bible School-type systematic training".

"In other words, we enlist, equip, affirm and send helping people to make a difference. As such, our members, constituents and ministry recipients through involvement tend to shine wherever they are placed to serve in society ... We are grateful to God for his tremendous grace and the privilege to serve the nations as we pray, 'Come Lord Jesus!'" Apostle Dwayne Fuller said.