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Reckless 'stunt' driver apologises to public

Published:Tuesday | August 20, 2019 | 12:00 AM
Bishop Dr Gary Welsh (right), Assistant Commissioner of Police, Community Safety and Security Branch, speaks with Dennis Dietrih after a video went viral of a man driving recklessly on Dunrobin Avenue in St Andrew.

Danae Hyman, Online Reporter

Dennis Dietrih, who has admitted to being the driver of a black Mercedes Benz motorcar captured on video manouvering recklessly on a major public thoroughfare, today apologised to the public after agreeing to meet with members of the police force.  

The incident, which occurred at the intersection of Dunrobin Avenue and Dukharan Avenue in St Andrew, saw Dietrih, personal assistant to West Indies cricketer Andre Russell, performing various stunts in one instance, nearly hitting a Toyota Noah motor vehicle. 

“I am really sorry about this. I never know it would get big like this, but I was just doing some fun with the car because it is a fast car, but now I find out it was something really wrong I did, so I am so sorry about it and it will never happen again,” Dietrih said. 

Futher, he added that “when you are around the steering sometimes it gets you a bit aggressive because the car is an aggressive car so it makes you do things where you don’t really think, it just happen so you just go with the flow”. 

Head of the Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Bishop Dr Gary Welsh, who presided over the meeting, said other motorists should use this incident as an example of what not to do on the public roads.

“In this particular instance, what he did amounts to careless driving because it endangered other members of the public. We came in today and we had a teaching moment and he has learnt from that and we took the opportunity that we would help to shape the narrative to say to the public, this is what you do not do,” Welsh said. 

Additionally, Welsh said he believed he should educate persons first before holding them accountable and disclosed that in the last three days he has given 140 chances.
He later announced that Dietrih will now join forces with the police in helping to teach others how to keep the roads safer. 

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