The insecure
Have you ever met someone who was incredibly talented at a certain skill but was constantly insecure about their talent? Has anyone ever said that about you? We have all been blessed in wonderful ways with talents and skills, and yet, for some of us, we shrink back from living boldly and bravely. We argue that we will never amount to much because we can’t get over the anxieties, fears, or insecurities that hold us back. But God doesn’t discard us because of our insecurities. He can use the most unlikely, most unsure person to fulfil His grand plans.
In fact, that’s exactly what God did with Moses. Today, we remember Moses as the greatest prophet of Israel, but up to age 80, he didn’t look that way. The Israelite Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince, and Acts 7:22 tells us he “was powerful in speech and action”. However, after murdering an Egyptian, he had to run for his life. Over the next 40 years, Moses lived a life far from his purpose as Israel’s deliverer. But God did not allow Moses to stay that way.
At a meeting by a burning bush, God asked Moses to lead the Israelites out of captivity. Moses’ response: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11 NIV. Moses laid out his list of reasons or insecurities that made him feel unfit for the job.
Moses felt he lacked credibility with the Israelites. After all, he wasn’t raised as one of them and he had killed a man. But God told him “ … say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 NIV. Do you feel unqualified like Moses? God wants you to know that His ability will bring success, not yours.
Moses, however, remained unmoved. “What if they do not believe me … and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” Exodus 4:1 NIV. Moses felt insecure about people questioning his authority. So the Lord did a miraculous sign and turned Moses’ staff into a snake before his very eyes. This would be Moses’ proof in front of the Israelites that he was authorised by God to lead them. God can and will do the same in your life. As He calls you to be a leader in your circles, God will also give you the wisdom to make the right decisions and show the world that you are favoured by God. At times, you won’t even need to defend yourself because God will do that. You need only have faith in God and obey His Word to you.
Moses’ last insecurity was his inability to speak clearly to the Israelites. “... I am slow of speech and tongue.” Exodus 4:10 NIV. God got angry with Moses for allowing his personal insecurities to resist God’s destiny for his life. But still, He offered him a solution: God promised to make up for his weaknesses with the help of Aaron.
Maybe you have felt insecure that your imperfections make you unusable by God. But God made you, knows you, and is not limited by you. He is the great I AM and will make you better than you ever thought you would be. He can use your imperfections in surprising ways. Your job is simply to turn your back on your insecurities and say ‘YES’.
God formed Moses into the person he was designed to be and restored his passion and vision. Will you let God do the same for you?