Wed | Jun 26, 2024

Duncans businessman assists students with school fees, tablets

Published:Wednesday | September 15, 2021 | 12:05 AMLeon Jackson/ - Gleaner Writer
Businessman Fabian Davis (right), of Duncans Complex and Entertainment Limited, presents Nathaniel Gordon with  a tablet to help him with his online schooling.
Businessman Fabian Davis (right), of Duncans Complex and Entertainment Limited, presents Nathaniel Gordon with a tablet to help him with his online schooling.


In a generous act that should help to ease the financial burden on several families, businessman Fabian Davis, chief executive officer of Duncans Complex and Entertainment Limited in Trelawny, has made a donation of $510,000 in cash and kind to students from that community.

Davis, a product of the thriving Duncans community located between Falmouth, Trelawny; and Ocho Rios, St Ann, said the donation will cover the school fees of 17 students and the cost of tablets for another 20 students.

“I was born and raised in Duncans and have been supported by the community ever since I established my business here,” said Davis, who noted that he feels obligated to do all he can to help in the overall development of the community.

According to him, he said he discussed with his staff what they believe was the best way for him to show his gratitude and appreciation to the community for its support of his business, and the consensus was he should contribute towards the education of the youngsters in the community.

“They recommended education, which I, too, support,” said Davis. “So we went about identifying students and just went ahead with the project. I paid the school fees for 17 students at a cost of $150,000, and brought and donated 20 tablets, valued at $18,000 each.”

Because of the lack of Internet connectivity in some sections of Duncans, Davis said only students in areas with connectivity were considered for the tablets.

“My staff ensured that those students who got tablets had Internet connectivity so they can benefit from online teaching, with face-to-face teaching on hold because of COVID-19,” said Davis.

Cassandra Williams, whose 16-year-old son, Kianno Daley, a grade 11 student who attends Muschett High School, was a beneficiary of Davis’ generosity. She was full of gratitude for the kind gesture.

“I am very very happy and words cannot express how appreciative I am,” said Williams. “I work as a waitress and through the pandemic, I work on rotation. It is of great help to my finances.”

Nathaniel Gordon, a grade nine student at Perth Town Academy, struggled to hold back his tears as he sought to express his thanks.

“All of last year I struggled to get involved in school. This has come at a time when I was wondering if I was going to suffer for another year,” said Gordon.