What is real wealth?
WEALTH is often misunderstood with money, possessions, position or power. There is no doubt that these can give you a comfortable life externally but real wealth is that, which cannot be stolen. Real wealth is such that when you share with others, it increases even more. We spend our valuable time of life earning external possessions, at the same time we forget that what we are earning is temporary and what we never pay attention to is what nobody can steal from us.
Real wealth causes no fear, no insecurity, no jealousy, no inferior or superior complex and no ego because we all have equal amounts of wealth (so it is said, “God made man in his own image’’); but what makes difference between us is how we use it and how much we use it. Real wealth can’t be earned from external sources, for it is already within you, we just need to practise it and share it more. Happiness, peace, love, bliss, contentment, mercy, wisdom, generosity, humility, truthfulness etc. are our real wealth which you neither can earn/buy nor can anyone give you. Look for your wealth within, exercise them in daily life and be wealthy in true sense together with worldly possessions.
Courtesy: Rajyoga Meditation Centre, Kingston, Jamaica (courses are offered free of charge). Visit www.brahmakumaris.org or email: kingston@jm.brahmakumaris.org.