Sun | Nov 17, 2024

Breathing – bridge between the body and mind

Published:Sunday | November 13, 2022 | 12:08 AM

Breathing is a vital function of the body for survival. But is breathing just inhaling and exhaling air? Let us understand the deeper meaning behind this process.

The breathing speed, style, depth, and heaviness say a lot about the present state of mind. An agitated person breathes differently, and a sleeping person breathes differently. A breathing pattern is deeply connected to the state of mind. One affects the other. If you want to change the present state of mind, change the pattern of breathing, and bring it in accordance with the desired state. It is advised to take deep breaths when you feel anger or anxiety or any negative emotion as through breathing you can transform the negativity into calmness.

The initial step of meditation is to observe this connection between breathing and the quality of thoughts. Once you see it clearly, you can use any of the tools and change the other. Watching your breath, being aware of the whole process, and making it consciously deeper calms both body and mind. The slower you breathe, the calmer your mind gets. Understand this bridge and you’ll realise that meditation is much easier and more comfortable. Just as breathing is not a task, or an effort, similarly, meditation will be a natural way of being.

Give it a try and see the difference.

Courtesy: Rajyoga Meditation Center, Kingston (courses are given free of charge). Email: