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‘Slickianna’ murder accused gets a new hearing date

Published:Friday | March 10, 2023 | 12:35 AMChristopher Thomas/Gleaner Writer


Rushawn Patterson, the man accused of killing social media personality Aneka ‘Slickianna’ Townsend, will have to wait until March 21 to know if his bail hearing will be addressed by the court.

When Patterson appear in the St James Circuit Court on Thursday, he was given a new date and remanded.

Attorney-at-law Andre Walters, who was standing in on behalf of Patterson’s new lawyer, Dionne Meyler-Barrett, requested time to review the documents relating to the defendant.

“We have just been served with disclosure, and as a result, we are asking for a short date, for a bail application to be made,” Walters told High Court Justice Andrea Thomas.

The 33-year-old Patterson was previously represented by attorney-at-law Michelle Thomas.

It was not disclosed why the defendant has changed his lawyer.

During the hearing, lead prosecutor Paula-Sue Ferguson noted that the Communication Forensic and Cybercrime Unit was still outstanding from the case file, requesting six weeks to have it in hand.

“The post-mortem report is outstanding, but it is ready and it is just for the officer to collect it; and the DNA certificate is also outstanding, and we were told that it will be two months for that report to be ready,” Ferguson added.

Patterson is one of two persons charged with Townsend’s death. The other person is 47-year-old security guard Rohan Rose, who is facing a charge of misprision of a felony.

Townsend’s body was found floating in the sea in Reading, St James, on October 21, 2022. A post-mortem examination determined that she was strangled.