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Davis promises no inconvenience from MoBay Perimeter Road Project

Published:Wednesday | May 24, 2023 | 12:24 AMChristopher Thomas/Gleaner Writer


Homer Davis, state minister in the Office of the Prime Minister (West), is vowing that the ongoing construction of the Montego Bay Perimeter Road will not be allowed to create the level of inconvenience residents in eastern Jamaica are facing because of roadworks being done in that region.

Davis, who was addressing a community consultation meeting about the project at the Foreigner’s Fun Park in Irwindale, St James, recently, said it was his responsibility to ensure that things run smoothly.

“My responsibility as state minister for the west is to make sure that this road is constructed in a way that it is not an obstruction to the citizens of St James. I am here to work with you, and what transpired in the eastern end of the island will not be allowed to transpire in St James,” said Davis.

“We will look at the dust nuisance, at the noise nuisance, and we will make sure that the contractor is adhering to the requirements. This road will impact all five constituencies [in St James], and I will be the man on the ground representing the political directorate and the Government, to make sure that the ills you are fearful of will not happen the way in which you fear,” added Davis.

In referencing the complaints which arose last year concerning road construction works in sections of eastern Jamaica, including construction on the Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Project, Davis said he will be keeping a tight lid on the project so that no unbearable situations occur.

In May last year, Opposition Leader Mark Golding criticised the contractors of the Portland leg of the eastern Jamaica rehabilitation project, saying that the roadway’s reconstruction was disorganised and led to public transport operators’ vehicles sustaining damage.

Utilise online learning

Four months later, in September, residents of St Thomas blocked several major roadways, while arguing that the road conditions in their area had worsened since the start of the road improvement project. Additionally, students were advised to utilise online learning to catch up on their schoolwork, as they were unable to attend physical classes due to the road conditions.

Davis also stressed that the National Road Operating and Constructing Company (NROCC), which has responsibility for the Montego Bay Perimeter Road construction, will be held accountable for ensuring the comfort of motorists using the roadway during the project’s duration.

“I do not want the citizens of Adelphi, or Lottery, or wherever else going to Montego Bay and having to sit in a line for two to three hours. I will put NROCC on notice that before some of these activities take place, they will have to ensure that the alternate route is established and it has a good surface,” said Davis.

The Montego Bay Perimeter Road, which is slated for completion in 2026, will see the construction of a 15-kilometre roadway which will allow for reduced traffic congestion in the town of Montego Bay, creation of a more efficient link between major local economic centres, and the facilitation of smoother transportation from suburban and rural areas.