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Don’t just be a baby producer, be a good father

Published:Sunday | June 30, 2024 | 12:06 AM

Bishop Dr Grace Ade-Gold


I HEARD a voice say to me, "Write something for fathers." To prove it was really God, I delayed. However, a few days later while driving along Lady Musgrave Road on my way to Cross Roads, I got two sharp burnings in my feet and heard: “Go home now and write”. I pulled over and stopped to reason and pray for forgiveness. I went back home to release the assignment.

God said to write: “Don’t be a sperm donor or baby producer. Be a good, loving and caring father”. Many have neglected this important responsibility. Some neglect their children and call them “jacket”. Many unborn babies have been aborted because their dads did not take responsibility. Their blood is crying out to God.

I went to preach in a community and the pastor told me that he was warned not to preach about incest. He said they told him that he could not tell them what to do with their girls, because it’s none of his business. I, however, raised my voice and preached against incest in that community. I told them that God hates it; that it’s abominable to the Lord and, if they did not change, God would punish them for it. If God allows children to come into their world and they hurt them and leave them with haunting memories, God will judge!

Absentee fathers, God hates the confusion you have brought to your children when you turn your attention to other women and their children (that belong to other men) because of lustful passion. I have met some fathers who hardly or do not even know their children, because they claim they were conceived during a one-night stand.

God hates promiscuity ... it's animalistic behaviour. Though the slave masters started this sperm-donor lifestyle, let’s not embrace this slavery mentality.

Married men who will not release single, separated or divorced women so that they can get married, return to or fix their lives and homes, are disturbing God. He is warning that you are putting asunder in your own life what He has joined together – Matthew 19:6. Once you say “I do” to a woman, leave other women alone. God is watching!

Employers who spend time with their female staff after work should desist and go home to spend quality time with their families. Men who will not give up sleeping with women who are not their wives should settle and get married so that we can have a clean, peaceful and righteous society.

The village ram spirit has to go in the name of Jesus Christ! If your father or grandfather was like that, then get the devil out of your life, marriage and family. Get help!

The common-law lifestyle is dominating the society and, unfortunately, many churchgoers are caught up in it.

Some children have become emotionally messed up, causing them to join gangs or the occult to fill the void and get the love and protection that they do not get from their fathers.

Some fathers are abusers. They get stormy when they are angry. Who will mentor the boys and the young men? Lord help us!

Bishop Dr Grace O. Ade-Gold is the founder and bishop of Arise Shine Apostolic and Deliverance Ministries located at 64 Seaward Drive, off Molynes Road. You may contact her at