Sat | Oct 5, 2024

Hello mi neighbour! | Can criticisms be used to our advantage?

Published:Sunday | July 7, 2024 | 12:07 AM

Hello mi neighbour! Hold it! Before you fly off the handle, remember that we are not perfect! As much as you hate being criticised by others, you cannot deny being guilty of criticising others. Suh it quits, as Aunt Myrtle would say.

If you don’t mind, please take a seat and calm down, as me and mi friends see if we can show you how to handle criticisms – in a positive way. We are aware that, in many instances whenever some people criticise us, they are trying to devalue us. But here’s a lesson: we should not allow anyone to lessen the value we place on ourselves by reacting negatively to their negative criticisms. Good. If you have low self-esteem, yuh goose cook. You are gonna bite the bate, and live a deflated, miserable life around your critics.

Here are some things to bear in mind going forward (may want to write them down):

· Try as hard as you may, you can’t please everyone.

· Criticism is inevitable, and often causes hurt and discouragement.

· People criticise others for a variety of reasons – they have different opinions and experiences that shape their views.

· Some individuals may feel threatened by your success or progress.

· Some criticisms are meant to be helpful and improve your work and life.

Give me a few more seconds: be they constructive or destructive, criticisms can be used to our advantage.

The experts suggest that, whenever the darts of criticism are directed at us, we should ward them off with the “shield of faith”.

How so?

· Stay calm and evaluate the criticism objectively. If it makes sense, humble yourself and use it for your growth and development

· If it is negative and hurtful and unhelpful, negate it immediately: do some positive self-talk and don’t stop until the positive overpowers the negative. If, in the process, you need to change your physical situation, go right ahead – if you can. But look before you leap!

It is also recommended that you develop a growth mindset:

· Embrace challenges and view a criticism as an opportunity to learn.

· Network with people who are not stupid, truly spiritual, openly positive, and generously encouraging

· Take care of your mental and emotional well-being.

· Always remember that a criticism is not necessarily a definition of your worth or abilities.

And I must also include this quotation: criticism is an unavoidable part of life, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. By learning to deal with criticism in a healthy way, you can continue to grow, improve, and achieve your goals. Remember to stay focused, be honest with yourself at all times, and keep your perspective.

Mi neighbour, a si yuh looking at yuh watch … hope this little talk will get you to grow into a better and a more positive purpose-driven you, and remain strong, positive and purposeful, even in the presence of cold-hearted critics.

Before you go, please take these in your ‘knapsack’:

· Cease seeking validation from others and focus on your own self-acceptance.

· Celebrate the uniqueness with which God has made you, and don’t crave for another’s.

· Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, and don’t be afraid to show a little vulnerability, including shedding a little tear here and there.

· “Speak the truth and nothing but the whole truth” respectfully.

· Love and treat yourself and others with equal kindness understanding and compassion – “Love thy neighbour as thyself”.

· Seek a personal relationship with God: talk with Him, read His Word, align your actions and choices with His principles and teachings. Caan lose with this one!

We’ll talk again soon. Let’s stay in touch. Send me an email or call me if you would like us to continue with this conversation. In the meanwhile, kindly help a neighbour with one of the following, if you can: Stove, refrigerator, bed, food, help with medication, financial assistance to start a little business for a living

By the way, did you remember to thank the Father for helping us during Beryl?


To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 876 649-9636. Contact email: Visit Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner.