Sat | Sep 14, 2024

Hello mi neighbour! | Helping others, helps you

Published:Sunday | September 1, 2024 | 12:05 AM

Hello mi neighbour! Actually, doing things for others improves our lives significantly. Put it to the test, and tell us the rest! Recent research shows that helping others activates and strengthens certain parts of the brain, enhancing the well-being of the “helper”. Understand now why we are commanded to love others as much as self? Self-love is one thing, but when we begin to love others as much as ourselves, love is doubled. And yuh si when love is doubled? Trouble! Positive trouble though!

Only you know what giving and receiving love feels like. Follow mi. Of course, we know that love is not just mere feelings. However, this emotion is so strong and creates so much excitement that it feels like it is the only feeling that makes sense on earth! There are eight types of love, which you are at liberty to research and explore when you’re finished here. We’ll stick to a general understanding of love for now.


In man and woman story, it’s important to recognise the difference between lust and love. While lust may plunge both parties into the ocean of love, mere physical attraction cannot sustain them out there. In time, the deeper both parties get to know each other, the tighter the bond, the more they appreciate each other. At the early stages of the love affair, they’re not concerned with the risk. Love causes them to open up completely to each other. Despite the possibility of heartbreak, they cling to these precious moments for dear life! If and when that bridge comes, they’ll cross it together. While love is a huge risk, it seems to be the one most persons are willing to take.

Love makes lovers feel comfortable and at ease around each other. Eventually, as the honeymoon phase dissipates and they really begin to see who the other is, there’s a sense of calm familiarity. They feel grounded and content in their presence. This is partly due to the hormones released during the attachment phase that facilitate bonding. But take nothing for granted. Keep stoking the love fire.

Love doesn’t always have “good reasons” to love. Is that where the idea of unconditional love comes from? One well-known holistic psychiatrist says if feels as though “there’s a divine force telling the lovers that they are on the right path”. It doesn’t always feel easy or even necessarily positive, but they feel like they are right where they need to be.” It’s okay to reminisce here, if you so desire.


Okay, back to us now. When we love others as ourselves, several profound things can happen:

· We form more meaningful and empathetic relationships, understanding others’ needs and feelings.

· We become more tolerant, forgiving, and supportive, just as we would want for ourselves.

· Loving others helps us develop self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love.

· Focusing on others’ well-being can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

· We feel more connected to our community and humanity as a whole.

· Our love and kindness can inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect.

· Loving others as ourselves can bring us closer to our spiritual beliefs and values.

· We become more understanding and less judgemental.

· We listen more actively and communicate more effectively.

· Loving others as ourselves can bring a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Loving others as ourselves however, doesn’t mean:

sacrificing our own needs and well-being to our own detriment.

· enabling or tolerating harmful behaviours.

· losing our sense of self.

It means treating others with the same kindness, care, and compassion that we would want for ourselves. And it comes back to us!

Remember this:

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails …”

Those who get this right, can never be wrong!



1. Back to school

2. Stove

3. Refrigerator

4. Bed

5. Food

6. Help with medication

7. Financial assistance to start a little business…

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