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Prayer makes the difference

Published:Sunday | December 8, 2024 | 4:01 AMRev Gabriel Agbo -
Gabriel Agbo
Gabriel Agbo

PRAYER IS the key. Prayer brings back the dead to the land of the living. Prayer exhumes all buried hopes, dreams, visions, expectations and aspirations. It makes you a winner. I started winning when I discovered the power of prayer. When you pray things happen, miracles, divine interventions take place. Impossibilities become possible.

When you pray the fog of death, of danger, of depression and frustration immediately disperse and disappear from you. Are you going to start praying from today? Are you going to bring God into that impossible situation now? Jonah did exactly that and he was delivered from the belly of the fish in the mighty ocean. Yes, God of Jonah is also your God and he is waiting to do same for you. You will not die in that situation, but live to testify to the goodness and faithfulness of God!


Another person that practically refused to die was Apostle Paul. Many times he was beaten, chained and imprisoned, stoned, bitten by viper, shipwrecked, etc, but he did not give up. I remember once they stoned him to death, but as his attackers left the scene, he was resurrected and continued his mission. Also when that extremely poisonous viper bit and held on to him at the Island of Malta, everybody was watching for him to swell up and die, but the apostle shook of the beast into the fire and did as if nothing happened. The people were shocked and called him a god! Power! Yes, you can stop that death. You can stop that satanic plan and attack today! Those that serve God shall indeed be powerful. But wait ...


Just check out what happened on the sea before they arrived at Malta. The original destination of Paul, the other prisoners and their guides was Rome. But on the way the journey became so tempestuous, like where you are now. Typhoon, bad weather, wrong navigation judgments and actions made their advancement very difficult. And it was obvious that they will not make it, humanly speaking. Let’s read:

“We had several days of rough sailing and after great difficulty we finally neared Cnidus. But the wind was against us, so we sailed down to the leeward side of Crete, past the cape of Salmone. We struggled along the coast with great difficulty and finally arrived at Fair Havens, near the city of Lasea. We had lost a lot of time. The weather was becoming dangerous for long voyages by then because it was so late in the fall, and Paul spoke to the ship’s officers about it.’

“The terrible storm raged unabated for many days, blotting out the sun and the stars, until at last all hope was gone.” ­­– Act 27:7-9, 20

Look at all the negative phrases used to describe just one journey – great difficulty, struggle, against us, loss of time, loss of properties, dangerous, terrible storms, blotting out, all hope lost. Just on one trip?

Now, which of the phrases best describes your present situation? Look at them again. Just look into your life now. Yes, because of all you went through you have now lost all hope and you feel like dying. You feel like throwing in the towel? Listen! There is nothing you are going through that others have not been through. What is it? Tell me. You have lost time and all you have. You are facing dangerous and life-threatening situation, sickness? Others have gone through worst things and survived, while millions are at present going through same. Things are very difficult, the future looks gloomy, your moon and sun seem blotted out. Yes, you have lost hope. Good! The sailors with all the people onboard that ship also lost all hope that they would survive that storm. So what next?

In the mist of all these, God miraculously, dramatically, against all expectations, delivered them. The ship was destroyed, the properties gone, but no life was lost. Yes, you will not be destroyed! If they did not die in that extreme situation, you will also not in this your condition. Share this message. Till next week. God bless!

Rev Gabriel Agbo is an evangelist and ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, Nigeria. Email: Send feedback to