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Legal Brief to Life Coaching with Kaysha Franklin

Published:Sunday | February 10, 2019 | 12:00 AM
Create your happy bliiss with Kaysha Franklin.

“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” Best expressed by Bob Proctor, Kaysha Franklin’s ‘legal departure’ took exciting flight, but to her surprise, made a smooth landing at an unexpected airport: life coaching. Today, she shares her story, soaring through professional and personal terminals, which shaped her purpose of transformation.

For as long as she could remember, she wanted to become a lawyer. Born and raised in Barbados, Franklin recounts her first encounter dating back as early as when she was five years old. She made such a compelling argument with her mother’s friend, that he adopted her as his ‘goddaughter’.

“He was amused, impressed and loved the five year old firecracker who wasn’t afraid to say what she felt and was interested in holding a conversation with someone many years her senior.”

This talkative trait followed her all the way to adulthood. When she ditched what she described as her ‘high in the sky’ dream of being a broadway star to become an attorney-at-law, this was her next natural calling. After enduring the challenging but stimulating undergraduate programme, along with an additionally required two years, she learned a lot about herself. It wasn’t until she left school that she realised while having the knowledge was a great feat, clearer understanding was discovered within working hard, staying up, pushing through the grain when the going got tough, and tapping into your personal reservoir of strength to complete the mission at hand, even at the brink of exhaustion. She also learned time management and knowing her worth in Corporate, by never accepting less than she deserved by way or payment or treatment from clients.

"For that reason I’ve never been afraid to let a non-aligned client go. It is something that has served me well throughout my career,” she added

In September 2006, graduating from law school in Trinidad, she began contemplating her next step. Her mother and sister were residing in Jamaica, and at the time, so was her then boyfriend. All three motivated her decision to take a detour from her homeland and make Jamaica her home away from home. While her amorous relationship was short lived, she had already kick started her career and had a solid support system from her family.

For eight years, Franklin legitimised her dream, but somewhere along the way, she felt as though something was missing. In 2014, she made the decision that she would stop practicing law, a theory she put into affirmative action in December of 2016.

“I believe that work should ignite you and every single day you should feel excited to get up and tackle the day. Law no longer fulfilled me. I have a deep need to feel fulfilled in whatever I do and I’ve never subscribed to the theory that work just has to pay you, it doesn’t have to please you. When law no longer did that for me, I knew it was time to leave and I started planning my exit from then,” finding sheer satisfaction in the gateway of mentorship, embarking on a new quest to change lives.

She saw many struggling to make ends meet, battling with their nine to five and yearning for more out of life, so she created a six-week online programme which takes on a pragmatic approach to achieving greater finances in 90 days or less. She called it #5 Steps to Freedom.

“Too many persons are on the proverbial hamster wheel, holding on for dear life and hoping beyond hope that someday, they will make enough money to get off the wheel with their sanity in tact. I created the programme to provide a solution for that and help persons get clear on their vision, understand and unleash their own unique talents and skills and move into fast action towards money making.”

The first cohort began with 14 women calling in from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and London. And based on the feedback, a super excited Franklin is already looking forward to starting the second cohort on April of this year. and I’m already super excited about it. This time around I’ll be opening it to the first 30 women to take action and I can’t wait to see where the journey will take us.

Being a life coach, she says, is no different from being an attorney as far as she sees it. “In both professions, my role is to show up for my clients and serve them well. I did that for my clients in the legal field for 10 years consistently, now I get to do that every day for my clients in my coaching practice. In that respect I see both professions as very similar though seemingly different,” she revealed.

Motivated by her clients and their results, her next step is to focus her energies on one-on-one destination immersion coaching experiences, creating tailor made solutions, while facilitating workshops geared towards female leaders.

Her advice to anyone wanting to achieve greatness is to create your own path.

“My footsteps have everything to do with my own life and my own unique desires which will differ from someone else’s so each person has to honour his or her own path.”

For more information, you can find Kaysha Franklin on Facebook: Create Your Happy Bliss, Instagram: @createyourhappybliss or email: