Sat | Jun 1, 2024

Carter determined to bounce back

Published:Friday | July 27, 2018 | 12:00 AMAkino Ming/Staff Reporter

Nesta Carter will continue his comeback on the track at the Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games in Barranquilla, Colombia, after being away from the sport for almost three years.

The 32 year-old, who is still recovering from a nagging toe injury, said that he is using these Games to sharpen his race execution, as he sets his ambitions on winning another global medal before hanging up his spikes.

"I have been out for three years, so I am just trying to get in every race as I gear up for next year's World Championship, the Olympic Games after that then the other World Championships that follows," Carter said. "This year is a crucial year where you try and smooth out everything going into those three years."

He continued: "I am still not pleased with some aspects of my race so hopefully I can see some improvement this weekend."

Carter's medal count was reduced by one when the International Olympic Committee sanctioned him in 2017 for a retroactive doping violation from the 2008 Olympic Games.

His gold medal from the 4x100m relay at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was stripped from him after fresh analysis of samples from those Games in 2016 showed that he was tested positive for a banned stimulant.

But the 2013 World Championships 100m bronze medallist is determined to get that medal back before he hangs up his spikes.

"My aim is to be on that podium at the World Championships next year in Qatar," Carter said. "Whichever colour medal I will take, I just have to keep racing until I get back into shape. I just have to keep putting in the extra work that I need to put in."

Carter will contest the preliminary round of the 100m tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. with his MVP training partner Javoy Tucker, who is representing the country for the first time in an individual event.

"I ran the starting leg for the 4x100m team at the Athletics World Cup (two weeks ago) but this is my first time running individually, so I am looking forward to that," Tucker said.