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Suspending Alvaranga the right decision – Sinclair

Published:Thursday | January 27, 2022 | 12:11 AMLivingston Scott/Gleaner Writer

VICE-PRESIDENT of the Aquatic Sports Association of Jamaica (ASAJ), Georgia Sinclair, contends that the decision to remove Kaizen swim club’s coach, Rory Alvaranga, from the association’s representative council was justifiable.

However, she noted that Alvaranga’s removal is not permanent and that after serving his one-year suspension, he will be eligible to return to the council if his club desires him as their representative.

Alvaranga was suspended following an ASAJ meeting, where a motion was moved by secretary Shauna Jackson, who also pointed out that the highly respected coach had a habit of breaking association rules, and they felt enough was enough.

Nevertheless, Sinclair insists that the decision was taken in the best interest of the association and that the motion received overwhelming support from council members.


However, they cannot stand in the way of his return to the council as long as his suspension period has expired and his club recommends him.

“All clubs have a right to representation on our council. Given the decision to suspend Mr Alvaranga for one year, after the year elapses, it depends on whether that club decides to submit to the ASAJ for him to represent the club and be their council rep,” she said.

Alvaranga’s suspension resulted after a letter from him to the ASAJ, voicing his displeasure over the organisation’s decision to reduce the figure his club asked the sport’s world governing body, FINA, for, found its way into the press.

The request was for a scholarship grant for one of his athletes.

It is understood that the sum was slashed from USD$2,250 by the ASAJ to USD$700.

However, Sinclair insists that the association’s internal affairs had found itself in the public’s domain once too often, courtesy of Alvaranga.

“If you have issues, go through those internal channels. Mr Alvaranga, however, did not exercise seeking recourse through internal channels. He chose to make it a public matter, and this has been done on more than one occasion.

“The media won’t resolve the issue. If resolution is the objective, you deal with the people who can resolve the challenge,” she reasoned.

Jackson, who moved the motion, contends that every organisation has rules, and if those rules are repeatedly broken, then there must be sanctions.


“That is exactly what happened in the swimming association with this matter,” she said.

“There are rules in place, and the rules were breached not once or twice. The rules were not suspectedly broken. They were blatantly broken, so we made a proposal to the council, and the council, by majority vote, accepted it,” she said.

She added that the incident was unfortunate as Alvaranga is a highly valued member of the swimming community but that there are still ways for him to have a say in ASAJ matters.

“I have difficulty reconciling some of the behaviours that were manifested with the talent and the man that I know Coach Rory to be.

“Does Mr Alvaranga have a lot to contribute? Of course! Is he is a valued member of the community and the Aquatic family? Of course!

“Did he do wrong? Yes. Was it worthy of a sanction? Absolutely!

“It is unfortunate. Coach Rory is amongst our most talented in the association. He really knows how to develop athletes, but I do not believe the council got it wrong,” she said.

“But there are still ways and means for him to have a say, and his club has not been silent,” she added.

When contacted, Alvaranga said he was unwilling to comment on the matter and insisted that The Gleaner speak to Sinclair or Jackson.