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2010 prophecies (part 4)

Published:Tuesday | January 5, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The Word of the Lord through Apostle Steve Lyston, Bishop Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia Kerr-Dawes, Pastor Michelle Lyston and Minister Nadra Brotherton.

1. As seasons change, scientists will be baffled. They will not even know what to do because God will be turning things around. In Jamaica, there are some riverheads that are going to return to their former course and new ones will be formed.

2. "Hear, My people, and obey the voice of the Lord your God! Prepare yourselves for I am coming quickly! Judge not, for ye shall be judged! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! Worship Me in spirit and in truth! Draw nigh to Me and I shall draw nigh unto thee! Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness for I have given you the victory!"

3. Pray for the Catholic priests in Jamaica. Pray for former Haitian prime minister, for his health and protection as well as all the former living United States presidents.

4. The Spirit of the Lord says that there is coming a time when some churches will be removed and there will be more exodus from churches as well. For the month of January, many are going to be making decisions and will be saying: 'God, I need directions, I need to know where to go. There will be weeping and wailing in their hearts both spiritual and natural. They may want to retrieve what they had before. The month of January will be a month of remorse. Some will have to start from the beginning, obey God and He shall restore them.

5. God is calling the Bruce Golding-led administration to call the nation together - to gather the people (both locally and overseas) as in II Chronicles 15 for repentance and to rebuild the nation. He must go wherever the Jamaicans are and rally them and their finances to come back to Jamaica and build. He needs to have a month of gathering in March, 2010. Let all imported food items as well as all other items that will help the poor, be duty-free. If the administration fail to do this, they will remember the number two for a long time to come!

6. God is warning the Jamaican Opposition to be careful of the seed they sow! He says even if they are given the opportunity to regain power, they will reap the harvest and it may not be sweet! (Galatians 6: 7-8; Hosea 8: 7; Proverbs 11: 18).

7. God is going to the entertainment industry, movie stars and great men around the world. "I shall purge both the secular and the gospel industry. I am going to shake Immigration world-wide or shift men and women in order to have My purpose fulfilled."

8. Wall Street is going to suffer another blow and there will be a ripple effect throughout the financial sectors of numerous nations. God is about to expose the links that exist within and among the financial sectors in the various nations and there will be several surprises. (Revelation 18) Many stores will close along Canal Street in New York.

9. The Spirit of the Lord says that many more persons all over the world will contract AIDS and other deadly viruses. Scientists may not be able to handle what is about to come. These cases will be worse than the 1700s, 1800s, and the 1900s. Many schools, colleges, universities, and day care centres will begin to lose lots of money because of the increase in the number of persons with these viruses and some of these institutions will eventually close their doors. This will cause many persons, especially government and church leaders to come together to seek God's face and ask Him for forgiveness for being disobedient and not showing reverence to Him. These cases will be nothing in comparison to the different plagues expected in the Great Tribulation period.

10. The world is on the brink of collapse. Confusion shall grip the hearts of men and women worldwide if they will not listen to My anointed men and women. Repent and turn! I shall heal their land. (II Chronicles 7: 14).

11. Turmoil, anguish and pain are coming to Jamaica because they have compromised My word. Many have been weighed on the balances and found wanting. Without a vision, My people perish! Because of lack of vision, many hearts are disturbed trying to find the right way to serve God.

12. The Church and national leaders have been neglecting the spiritual development of the children. God is requiring change concerning this matter. There are going to be situations that arise within nations and it is the children that will have some of the solutions. He is going to use them to bring many changes to nations (Isaiah 8: 18).