Fri | Sep 27, 2024

Online feedback

Published:Wednesday | November 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Below are edited excerpts from comments posted online at by readers to yesterday's front page story, 'Dutch want truth: Portia, PNP officials to answer investigators on Trafigura affair'.

I am ashamed

How can the country move forward if the people who are elected to lead are caught up in one corruption scandal after the other. It is time well-thinking Jamaicans demand that these people face the law of the land. If no one pays the penalty, then it will continue. Too much time is wasted dealing with these issues. I still brag and boast about Jamaica but, deep inside, I am ashamed.

- Fedup

Passing the bribery smell test

The director of public prosecutions (DPP) has said she can't prosecute Colin Campbell because she has no information to say the money he got from Trafigura did not constitute a bribe, rather than just payment in the course of business. It would seem to me that when a government official set up an account that's clearly not a Government-sanctioned account to accept money from a business entity doing business with/for the gov't then it's a bribe. If it smells, walk and does everything else like a duck, then it's fair to say the bird is a duck.

Trafigura said the money it paid out was paid to the People's National Party (PNP) and not the Government. The Dutch government seems to think Trafigura behaved criminally, but DPP Paula Llewellyn seems to think Colin Campbell and the other PNP officials involved in this matter did not. The Dutch want truthful answers from Colin, Portia and Bobby Pickersgill, and I imagine Paula just want this matter to go away.

- TrevDiMan

International stain

Another scandal involving a foreign country. Jamaica's international reputation is being stained by corruption.

- R Oscar Lofters


PNP+JLP = The ruin of Jamaica

- Tony C

Is Jamaica still sovereign?

What I don't understand is how a nation that claims to be one that is sovereign can allow Dutch authorities to investigate a sitting member of parliament? The United States Supreme Court would never have allowed something like that to happen, a foreign country questioning Nancy Polosi, and/or Harry Reid. It is full-time we stop acting like 'bwoy', sending for 'backra massa' to solve our problems.

- Synenergy