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Eltham View: a forgotten community

Published:Tuesday | January 4, 2011 | 12:00 AM
Rocky road conditions, as seen here yesterday on Gladioli Drive, are the bane of residents of Eltham View, Spanish Town, St Catherine. - Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer


In the late 1980s to the early '90s, the Eltham View housing project in St Catherine was developed, consisting of 699 two-and three-bedroom units. We encountered some problems in the early days of occupancy, with delays in receiving electricity, non-access to telephones and a faulty sewage-disposal system. After much ado, we overcame most of those problems.

Over the first five years, the scheme became a model community, of which we were all proud, with the expansion and development of the units and a vibrant citizens' association.

Then, our roads started to show cracks and flaws, and with fund-raising efforts, over time, we did what we could to fix them - despite representation to the appropriate authorities who gave us the runaround.

Today, after more than 20 years, the situation is intolerable: 'roads' have deteriorated into gullies, potholes and small ponds. It is no use picking a good spot on which to drive. Mr Editor, this is a downright disgrace.

To think of the high-calibre MPs who have represented the area over the years:

(a) Ambassador Derrick Heaven, for a short while.

(b) Prime Minister Golding as MP (JLP)

(c) Prime Minister Golding as MP (NDM)

(d) Ms Olivia 'Babsy' Grange, our present MP, who has never, to the best of my recollection, visited this community in my presence. (I've been here since 1992). The councillor, Mr Rose, has not visited this community but once on Sunday, November 7.

Mr Editor, what has happened to our tax dollars? Ms Grange, should we beg for help or will we be seeing you shortly? Mr Mike Henry, minister of works, remember that you are one of us 'born yah' in Spanish Town. Mr Prime Minister, help us - the children are calling you.

I am, etc.,