Fri | Sep 20, 2024

Defending OUR

Published:Tuesday | March 8, 2011 | 12:00 AM


I was very displeased with the Letter of the Day by Juliet Capper, published on Saturday, March 5, titled 'OUR sleeping on the job'. Not only do I hasten to defend the OUR, but to chide the writer from Old Harbour, St Catherine, to get her facts right before levelling such accusations at the best-run operation with the government service.

The Office of Utilities Regulation cannot act on a matter before it is brought to its attention, and even if such matter is not properly brought to its attention, it will act on same then address the individual within the shortest period of time.

Within that correspondence as well, there are listed persons whom one should get in touch with whenever a problem arises within a company for corrective measures to be taken. If the individual is not happy with the measures that are taken, the OUR must be contacted, with the documentation from the company, so that the OUR can arbitrate on the matter.

One cannot just sit at home and believe that his/her problem is everybody's problems as well. Persons like Juliet Capper must understand that standing on the wall and bawling out will not get the rendered assistance that would safely take them off the wall. They who seek will find the solutions to their problems.

I am, etc.,


Falmouth, Trelawny