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My 'Dream' Outlook - Nathaniel Palmer - Events Manager, LIME

Published:Sunday | July 3, 2011 | 12:00 AM

Q What's your business style?

A I'm task driven.

What was your first job?

My first job was a production assistant at my parents' company.

Tell us what's your favourite Smirnoff cocktail.

I actually don't drink.

What about you favourite getaway location?

Miami, Florida.

Describe your office personality.

I'm known as the snazzy dresser who is very passionate about his work.

Describe your after-work personality.

The networker and event 'mayor'.

What's the one thing your colleagues wouldn't know about you?

That I can sing and was a part of a male singing group.

What's your must-have business accessory?

BlackBerry phone

One thing you must do in the next five years.

Get married.

What was your last piece of retail therapy?

The new iPhone 4 from LIME

Your Brand + Dream =?

LIME 3G in Negril ... life accelerated, party initiated.