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Divine Plan - A platform to rescue Spanish Town

Published:Sunday | August 21, 2011 | 12:00 AM
Bishop Rowan Edwards

Anastasia Cunningham, Senior Gleaner Writer

LIKE MOSES who came down from Mount Sinai with two tablets containing the 10 Commandments and the laws to save Israel, Bishop Rowan Edwards says he has been called by God and given a divine 16-point plan of action to rescue afflicted Spanish Town from the clutches of Hell.

The city that was once the pride and joy of Jamaica, being the country's second capital, has long degenerated into a metropolis of crime, fear, and degradation.

"Spanish Town has been reduced to its lowest. For years, the people were crying out to God to rescue them. Now we want that change; we are crying out for that change," said Edwards, president of the Jamaica Association of Full Gospel Churches.

"Here is where Jamaica started, and we are saying there ought to be a revamping to bring us out of the rut we are in."

The pastor said the recent beheading of two of "God's children" was the wake-up call.

"Like what happened after Stephen was stoned to death in Acts 7, which led to a revival. The beheading of those two Christian women was the catalyst. Their cries in their moment of death reached the ears of God, and He answered their prayers to rescue Spanish Town from the clutches of darkness."

The bishop's vision - 

Unite the Church. Prophesy like Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones. Remodel Spanish Town. Remove prison. Transform prison oval into a mini-stadium/arena. Build tourism. Remove shacks, vendors. Promote farming on outskirts. Call for gun amnesty. Replace those guns with greenhouses, lands. Call on Church to adopt schools. Erect bright lights across city. Develop more play areas for children. Establish mentoring programmes.