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LETTER OF THE DAY - Do more for Jamaica's street children

Published:Sunday | April 7, 2013 | 12:00 AM


As International Day for Street Children draws near on April 12, how many persons will be in observance of this day?

The day was launched by the London-based Consortium for Street Children, with its campaign titled 'Louder Together'. It aims to give a voice to street children around the world and help them connect with policymakers so they may be given access to education, shelter, protection, and other rights guaranteed by the universally accepted covenant on the rights of children.

This initiative stems from the fact that millions of children in developed countries, and more so in the Third World, struggle daily to fend off abuse, hunger and exclusion.

Jamaica is now between a rock and a hard place where development is concerned. Jobs are scarce, and cost of living has gone sky high. Does the Government take into consideration the most vulnerable, which are the elderly and children, and with the International Monetary Fund deal on the table, what will be done to stem the wave of children living on the street?

Jamaica's youth take to the street because they are marginalised by forces beyond their control, and little is being done to stem this problem. The broken families across Jamaica account for most of the children living on the street. Some take to the street to ease the pressure of their parents, some have been influenced by friends, and some have been abused by relatives or community members.

Jamaica must stand up and play our part in stemming this crude practice of children living on the street. It is time for the Church and Government to move more actively in mending these broken families.

Every year, Child Month is observed by schools, government agencies and even the Church. Children are normally fêted with meals on this day. Are the children living on the street part of such activities? Or are they monsters of the State? Why is International Day for Street Children not being sufficiently recognised in Jamaica?


Jamaica Network for Street Children