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Guyana to curb illegal mining through national lottery

Published:Friday | April 12, 2013 | 12:00 AM

The Guyana government says it will hold a national mining lottery later this month that will target small miners due to the increased demand for mining properties.

Natural Resources and the Environment Minister Robert Persaud said the lottery, to be held in all six mining districts, is also aimed at curbing illegal mining allowing miners to now have access to mining properties, as well as conduct of their operations without fear of the regulators or others disrupting their procedures.

"Many instances when we go out there, persons claim that they do not have access to their own land, and after ongoing discussion and representation we have decided to do the lottery with much more frequency," Persaud said.

He said that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission is still seeking legal advice about whether those who were caught illegally mining would be allowed to participate. However, miners who reside in any of the six mining districts, own mining equipment and do not own several mining lands would be able to partake.

He said the intention of the lottery is not to reward illegality or lawlessness. Rather, the aim is to bring some level of regularisation to the sector.

In recent months, local miners have complained of illegal mining activities conducted by people from the neighbouring South American countries.