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Mothers must rescue society

Published:Monday | May 13, 2013 | 12:00 AM

Steve Lyston, Contributor

First and foremost, I hope that all mothers had a wonderful day and may you receive a special blessing for all you have done for your children.

Mothers are the neck of the society. The neck is the supporting structure for the father who is the head of the family. The neck is often associated with beauty and a place on which valuables are placed for the entire world to see.

Part of a good mother's role is to nurture their young with milk to the point of maturity. She shapes their lives and instils values and morals within the children in preparation for their future and that of the society. Every good mother knows that such nurturing begins in the womb; and that during breastfeeding, there is a special bonding that takes place between child and mother that is irreplaceable and unique to each child.

We are in a society now where many mothers choose not to breastfeed because they don't want to 'spoil' their figures. But this is at the cost of missing out on that special bonding.

Titus 2:3-5 says, "The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things ... that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,to bediscreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed".

Every mother should use this scripture as an example to teach the young ones godly character, domestic responsibility and integrity, that motherhood be celebrated.

They must teach their children how to dress, and in particular, teach the girls how to dress modestly.

We are now seeing that men are dressing like prisoners with their pants waist almost below the knee and women wearing their underwear in public and that this has become the norm. The standards have not fallen, they have plummeted, and mothers must raise the standard - they have the capacity to do it.

teach principles

The mother is the first one to teach their children to honour God with their finances (Proverbs 3:9-10). A good mother teaches her children about the principles and the goodness of God and how to pray, and to honour their (earthly) fathers - even if they are not good fathers. What has seriously affected the society is the fact that many women have taught the younger generation to hate the fathers that have neglected them. Instead, they should teach them to forgive those fathers who have reneged their responsibilities towards them.

Don't teach them to curse the irresponsible fathers, and don't call them worthless sperm donors. Teach them that despite all that, they can change the game and do better.

Many curse the men for not supporting their children, but refuse to acknowledge the role of some women who hinder their men from taking care of the children external to their relationship.

The mother is the one who teaches her sons that when they are placed in positions of leadership, they must not womanise, be drunkards, show injustice and not to oppress the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:2-9), but instead speak up on behalf of the poor and honour the women in their lives.

They must teach their children that once in authority, they must measure to higher standards than the mere average.

Inherent in every good mother is a wife, a visionary, a businesswoman who has several business ventures that will help her family. She enjoys the confidence of all her family. She is a watchman over the family and helps to deal with the emotional and spiritual condition of her family. She is a prayer warrior who births the vision of her husband and children, encouraging them to pursue their dream.

She engages in real-estate transactions, using the profits for further investment as a security for her family. She will never be afraid to tell her children the truth when they are wrong; neither does she teach any form of rebellion or division within the family. She unites her family, prays for her church, her country and her place of work.

Steve Lyston is a biblical economics consultant and author of several books, including 'End Time Finance' and 'The New Millionaire'

A good mother teaches her children about the principles and the goodness of God and how to pray, and to honour their (earthly) fathers - even if they are not good fathers.